Da fck have only seen meme pictures with her on here

I must admit I didn't see the dog in the other two. I just looked for her

One picture of your pet is okay. It gives something to keep a conversation interesting or just help start a conversation. Especially when you have 8 other pictures of you in it

Dog syntes jeg efterhånden kinesiske biler er bedre end amerikanske

Ved ikke, synes jeg ser flere og flere videoer af kinesiske biler gå i brand. Men kan også være det kun dem som bliver solgt i Kina

Lærte ikke selv Python før jeg begyndte på it-teknolog. Men har brugt freecodecamp (yt), tech with time (yt), geeksforgeeks og v3 school meget under uddannelse. De alle har gode begynder guilds. Bare ikke køb en bog eller kursus før du er startet eller har prøvet dem

Steam also needs a way to like a game without having to write a review

Damn he just got reverse ratio

Don't think many search for Gmod and cod zombies videos any more. It's not really that popular like it ones was

Only if you are a kid, else the bible will protect you

:Windows11: Windows 11

Have only heard complaints about the UI.

Maybe it is just me, but I feel like windows 11 is faster and more polish

2 days!!!! That slow ass network

I still have a few years to figure out what side I'm on. But probably yours, still need the first step, getting a girlfriend

That's why unions are important and why everyone should be a part of one. We are stronger together

Press 15 times or until I become a cat girl.

In other words either I can retire now with good money or earn a lot on twitch and YouTube while doing my hoppy

The Nile is small and Vietnam is big. I like unicorns and the same do you


Man kan vel stadig smide ham ud. Ved bare ikke hvor han ender

Here we have an app where they just use your phone number to send the money. But also there are not 30 million people here and this app can really only be used here for now

Think paradox has hired modders. But then they stop being a modder and their mods just die out

Tell me you got your driver's license from a vending machine without telling me

I'm from Denmark. In 3-4 hours you have gone from Germany to Sweden through Denmark. So you can get most places here in that time +-1 hour (that don't need a boat)

And all 3 planes go against physicals flying so slow

But most smiles are not a sign of depression

Or just happiness. It is kinda the face you make when you are happy