Executive order to ignore the court ruling. Legal act to have a "vibrant executive."

Amazing number 3 though.

If it is possible with all of our future 1st picks they better do it. You want to win now, get the team to win now. Plus we can have lauri and kaminga on contract for a long time.

Sir, the kitty has more money than we thought.


Lauri for our first picks, JK and maybe two players. Then use these second picks to offset not having the firsts. It works, maybe.

My numbers could be off, but assuming he bought before it shot up he has 230m in stocks. It's possible, if he is pushing algos to follow him, sounds like so easy money.

DFV made around 39x on his 6 million in calls. He is going to take this 230 million and buy calls at the new depressed price the algos made because of the chewy announcement. On discount for me too.


I'm glad them turning down our trade resulted in them getting nothing. Unserious organization. They could have gotten JK Lmao.

They could make moves at the deadline or after the season that would give them the possibility of doing it. They have options.

I don't believe that. Steph's game isn't based on physicality. The part that is based on that, he is still able to work harder than anyone on the court, even if it falls short of his older stamina levels. His training camps prove that. If they can land a fantastic 2 then we can make something happen. Donovan Mitchell might get us over the line?

Maybe they go after a big FA next year?

I'm only doing calls. I think the options might be too expensive to warrant a more complicated multi option strategy. However that is just my hunch and I'm more inexperienced with those plays. I personally think we're closer to the floor than the ceiling in the short term so a call made sense.