Good question! App is based on apple’s iCloud so everything is stored securely on your apple account

35 new places available inside FlowNote Beta

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We would love to hear your feedback :)

👋 Welcome to the FlowNote community!

🤗 As a solo developer, the FlowNote community has grown so large that I am unable to handle all the questions I receive via email.

So for that purpose, I created this community where people can share their questions, tips, and experiences with the app.

⭐️ The feedback button in the app is still available for more specific questions, but I am hoping the community can answer the majority of questions here :)

I know that in obsidian every file is a normal text file. no in FlowNote every line of text is its own file stored in iCloud so you cannot access them

Want to share my new app


I am a student solo developer who is really into planning and productivity.

I made a notes app in which you can schedule tasks, and nest pages… all in text.

I am in the process of acquiring my first users and I think this is the community that would benefit from the app.

I am looking forward to reading feedback from you and if you can not support my student life with a premium plan but want to have it I am more than happy to give away some promo codes!


I have the same problem with FlowNote, the best advice I’ve gotten is don’t give up and be consistent on socials

Not yet :( I am primarily an Apple developer so firstly I want to perfect the app with Apple users and then I’ll start developing for PC and android

Not yet :( I am primarily an ios as developer So firstly, I want to per the app with the Apple users and then I will start developing for PC and android

Made an app for organizing busy school and personal life!Discussion


I am a student who is really into self-improvement and organization and studying computer science.

I made an app that offers things like scheduling tasks, templates, page nesting...

Like every student I need to make some money, so I will be honest app has in-app-purchases but for everybody that can't afford it, send me an email in the app's feedback section and I will give you the promo codes for free :)

I would love to hear what you think guys ❤️

What is the best-performing wizard experience in your opinion?


I just released my new app and I am curious about how to engage the user as much as possible when he/she downloads the app.

Also would love to hear some feedback on my app in general :)

No you can add multiple dates to a task and than you can see all tasks from all nested pages in one page called Today. Also there are many widgets for that page

Yeah sure, it is similar to Notion with page nesting, blocks… and on top of that has ability to schedule tasks.

FlowNote To-do lists and Notes, it is something different and very easy to use :)