Bet he thought he was an alpha male, but he took lessons from jagex because alpha is before the bugs are fixed.

Sorry, my android cost more than your ifruit phone? I've got more problems to deal with and don't need to add someone worrying about what brand of phone I use. And I use android because I don't need training wheels on my devices or on my computer. Stay ignorant.

Publicly calling and inciting war inside your own country should be met with federal charges.

Wanna get married? Do it close to your friends and family so they can come. Making them spend 300k-450k for them to just attend, and that's just tickets, this better be a multi-million dollar wedding. What? It isn't? Fuck off lmao. This is more than entitled.

If you want a main go, make a main. It's a hell of a lot less work, then you'd be sacrificing if you de ironed. This is shit luck, but you have to remember that being and doing efficient paths or grinds is stressful because you're going to be doing content that you dont enjoy and so you need to remember it's game. it's okay to choose enjoyment over this and just do CS once in a while until you have your head state back where you can go hard again.

As long as you don't overdo it. Black coffee may not have calories, but too much caffeine can trigger cortisol production, which can be counterproductive.

While I like that torture is used to make rancor. I don't see the point of crafting as the skill requirement to make it. Herlore or smithing makes more sense.

Pc parts? I can't even buy magic cards at any of my local Walmarts.

Biggest problem is I know a name like this definitely gets reported and I know people with these types of names do get name changed. It just feels very back burner. I also think jagex gives too many chances before they give you a shit automated name and lock you out from name changing in the future.

This needs a 3rd card to make this actually do something meaningful. There are some good options.

Go play the game dude go play Soul Wars or something and think what's enjoyable and go do it. Sometimes, you have to just do what you enjoy and pause the grind because it's just a game. While you figure it all out, build a game plan that makes you hype and move forward when you're ready.

5 years ago, I'd only picked up the money and walked away. Mean while, my ex and mom screamed at me, "You're picking me, right? Then I closed the door and left. Today, I'd pick my spouse and children.

What does it matter anyway? Some teen boy is just going to use his mom's ID anyway. Is PornHub gonna send a spank bank statement with your history in the mail? No? Unless your parents know enough to make an account so your kids can't, then I don't see the point because of the number of people that'll get around it anyway.

If your woman isn't supporting your mental status, then all she is is a trick that needs to gtfo.

While yes, one problem is more explosive, and the other looks like a gleaming sun ray. Your problems and my problems are not any less real or diminished because of the other. That being said, I wouldn't die on this hill and simply just show the camp the burn and request sun screan every day because my child burns easy. This sunburn isn't even bad, it'll be gone in 1 or 2 days anyway. I'd be mad if my child had blisters with those sunburns on the other hand.

Higher taxes of 0% paid is still 0%. Loopholes need to be fixed.

Ever since bonds were released, everyone has always continued to buy them. Otherwise, the price wouldn't increase, excluding when jagex hikes the bond prices.

So many people read the Bible like it was written this decade. There's so much lost context or references that we no longer use that if you're not studying each verse coupled with research to understand what you're reading, then you're going to take a lot of the book out of context. Plus, the book was written around 2000 years ago shit that was okay, then it isn't okay now, and it doesn't mean we need to go back just because it's written in the Bible. Not everything in the Bible was meant to be mimicked. It's written history and to teach not to repeat.

I stopped watching cable TV because of ads, and I'll stop watching this crap too. Excluding superbowl commercials or some other rare ones that ever fit in their frame of witty funny, interesting, or intellectual, the other 99%, including what you have provided for me, is simply aggravating.

I feel like even after we vote and Trump loses again, we're just gonna hear scream crying about how the election of stolen AGAIN and he's gonna cry for 4 more years.

Wouldn't say burnt. Is it still edible? Yes, in fact, most people will eat this or even pay for this. I wouldn't have cooked it that long, though.

Trump has been labeled the worst president in history for a reason. So this isn't even a comparison.

This is such a misnomer. Regardless if you pay with bonds or credit card, jagex banning and wasting a partial subscription and forcing you to start a new sub earlier is clearly more profitable since they don't have to wait for your sub to end, they just ban you and end your sub early.