I always suggest some basic tools. Maybe toss a small food related gift card in if tools feel boring, but they will come in handy!

Some faculty don’t allow technology in the classroom, so if you use ebooks, just make sure you print your notes off or handwrite them to bring to class.

Have you considered seeming a summer internship in the future within the business side of an art museum? It might help provide some clarity on how to pursue two different goals and find fulfillment. You could be immersed in a world you enjoy and do work to support it. And, realistically, you’re more likely to find that sort of work than straight “art history” work. It takes all sorts of people to make a museum come to life!

Anger to Grief to HumorProgress

I feel like over the last 6 months I hit the “this is ridiculous and kind of funny phase” of Vaginismus. Just wanted to share that I love reading others’ humor about it! We call it the Angry Beaver Problem (ABS) in our home to lighten the mood and make it less weird to say in public spaces.

Rural 👏🏻 museums 👏🏻. WV and states like it can’t get folks to come. Obvious trade offs, (I say as. West Virginian), but no one wants to come here. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Basic tools!! I give everyone this advice. Screw, wrench, hammer, etc. You don’t need it until you need it and, in my experience, your friends and floormates will love when you can save the day.

We skipped Wednesday’s body weight conditioning so we could live another day

My husband said his quads took the worst hit after yesterday, too

Return from Vacay

I took 2 weeks off for travel (so worth it!) and returned today. My glutes hate me. Send help.

(Also our BA came running out the door to greet me when she saw my return—this is why I love Burn!)

Question for Oregon Catholics

Hey folks! I visited your neck of the woods last weekend for the first time and looooved it. We went to the Oregon Renaissance Faire with some family and there was a TLM going on. Anyone know anything about it? Was it real? I’m a NO attendee and the only sign at the faire didn’t list any parish affiliations. Were they cosplaying Mass? Is there a really nerdy priest near Portland? Please help my lingering questions!

Assistant Prof, History, SLAC (USA)

Where is this from? Maybe I missed when I searched it in the thread. Just curious!

I normally skip day 1. I can’t use tampons and it’s just uncomfortable for numerous reasons. Day 1 is always the worst. I don’t let myself skip day 2. (I go 4 days a week so I have some flexibility)

Normal Soreness vs Vaginismus PainnsfwSupport/Advice

Hey everyone! I’m at a point in my journey when I can have PIV from certain positions (with a well established mood/lack of outside mental stressors). I have been doing physical therapy for about a year now and no dilators (just not for me). For those who are in a similar spot as me or who have experienced significant improvements, how do you distinguish between more routine soreness from sex and vaginismus pain? I still struggle to maintain PIV for the entire time and I’m starting to wonder if I preemptively freak out that I might be experiencing pain, when in reality it’s more typical soreness that happens occasionally.

I’m not sure if this makes sense. I’m not always sore and I’m not always in pain, but it does happen sometimes. I can easily distinguish “my-body’s-not-having-PIV-today-pain” and know to stop.

Also anon shout out to my husband for being the most patient person on earth—always willing to stop and take a break; sometimes even insists if he thinks I’m trying to “just deal with the pain” rather than enjoy

I second this! Maybe they could tweak the weekly protocol thread to include it?

I think that sounds like a healthy outlet! If it works for you, keep going!

We’re about to move and I’ll now be 30 minutes from the nearest Burn. I contemplated doing 2 home workouts and going in twice a week to still get the experience, but I think I’ll probably have to switch gyms. 30 minutes sounds daunting to me, especially because it’s not on the way to work.

I swear Saturdays are always extra hard

We appreciate you!

I feel like the anonymity of Reddit is more comfortable than the Burn facebook groups (at least for me).

We did the MURPH style workout and completing it (modded) might be one of my proudest accomplishments. Like, how am I supposed to do anything today after crushing that?

I have a long foam roller. I like to lay on it and stretch my arms out in a T. After laying like that for a while, I move my arms slowly up and down like I’m making a snowman. It works wonders after arm/chest days when I’m tight. I also skipped today.

:sc::c9::c0::sc: TJ Watt

I would try to get 4 in one row and 3 directly behind. It's way easier to have a conversation!

I think it took 3 months for me to stop dreading it, six months for me to find it tolerable, and eight months for it to become fun--and there are still days I have to drag myself out of bed for it.

I discovered through the process of joining Burn that I required physical therapy. If you're continuing to feel pain and soreness, you might consider seeking medical attention. I just assumed everyone felt as bad as I did until I saw a doctor.

I always let myself have the first day of my period off from the gym and thank goodness it hit today. Sounds rough!

Thank you, Burn!Victories

I joined in August 2022. For the first year, I went 3 times a week, and now I go 4 times a week. I was never athletic, never interested in fitness, and considered returning bags of library books my workout. This weekend I tackled a lawn project that involved moving 25 bags of rocks, each weighing 30 lbs. And I could!! And it wasn't difficult!! I even had to carry a bag one-handed when it split open.

I used to get stressed before tackling big projects or evening flying (what if I couldn't lift the suitcase into overhead luggage?!). However, I felt such a sense of pride being able to load up my cart with rocks. The cashier was impressed. As the project went on, I found myself thinking about movements in terms of Burn exercises. I held a bear crawl form to keep my knees clean and grabbed something. I did farmer carries back and forth from the shed. I lifted properly and didn't hurt my back. Who is this person?! Burn has been so worth it.

I did skip leg day today--lol, I think I did enough leg work this weekend!