You typed the words. U compared overreaching with threatening political opponents. I’ll take the data mining over creating camps for immigrants any day. Guarantee Trump will do much worse.

I see your point but my maga friends/relatives know none of these things. I think you’re talking about the other trump supporters in it for the money.

Not same as threatening, imprisonment and worse, having your fan base intimidate and threaten others. Yeah Democrats do that every day./s

Fox News does not show when Trump says fascist things like throwing immigrants in camps and jailing his political enemies. Democrats have never said stuff like that.

Yeah, I can tell by a lot of the comments people haven’t even read it. They are afraid to face reality. Another reason why we’re doomed.

Did you miss Trump‘s speech where he said he was going to jail his enemies and throw groups of people in camps? If that’s not fascist dictatorship talk what is it then?

Yeah, I’m curious too. How have Democrats been fascist? Except if you’re saying that they’re controlled by the oligarchs who are just playing good cop bad cop with us?

The first 2 paragraphs are prophetic. No one wants to sacrifice their livelihood or life to stop it so now we all may lose those things.

Too late?

The first 2 paragraphs are prophetic. No one wants to sacrifice their livelihood or life to stop it so now we all may lose those things.

Neil was right. I could be happy the rest of my life with the cinnamon girl.

He better.

The first 2 paragraphs are prophetic. No one wants to sacrifice their livelihood or life to stop it so now we all may lose those things.

“ I’m sure the corporate owners will give them safe conditions, have some faith” my boomer sister-in-law.