i always suggest not to buy skincare items off amazon…

i’m happy that you’re confident in yourself and in your choices. he doesn’t get to shit on you just bc you truthfully told hin he’s nasty. someone who loves you wouldn’t do that to you. you’ll be happier without him believe me.

omg my mom has this vinyl! 😭

and i never said that was the question, just wanted to point out it’s odd to ask what you asked and then mention a white/southeast asian woman being the forefront of electronic music off one album that honestly would be marked a pop album. charli is without a doubt a pop star that makes pop music and has her entire career. as you mentioned pink pantheress, she makes—albeit alternative—pop music. you could say the same for charli if you really want to group her. if you’re asking about house/electronic girlies, they do not make music for mainstream success as the genre is not meant to be mainstream. there’s artists (kelela, shygirl, namasenda, abra, rochelle jordan, aluna, take van etc.) exist to a more niche fan base (some with larger fan bases and some just breaking out) and have been around for a while. house/ electronic music was more popular years ago, so the only way there would be a mainstream girl is if house was mainstream again, but as i said it’s not really meant to be like that. it’s meant to be a fun genre for clubs and group gatherings, not really an arena show.

this is a kind of an insane thing to write when house (electronic) music comes from BLACK people. there’s plenty of black female house/electronic artists, producers, and djs as many have mentioned in the thread. house/electronic hasn’t been a mainstream genre in a few decades and i don’t think the artists are looking for mainstream appeal. house music is an exclusive genre and i think centers around certain audiences. and charli’s most mainstream success came from her pop songs. she’s still a pop singer/artist. the level she’s on currently took her 10 years to build and change and develop and is in large part to the producers she worked with. so…..

i think about this A LOT now watching older seasons in my 20s. when housewives was on i was in elementary school still, but my mom watched ny, oc, atl, and occasionally miami, so i know a bit of all the franchises here and there. social media killed housewives lol it led to the women becoming less authentic and having external issues beyond the show because of something said or shared online, and yes that existed before with page six and the blogs and such, but it’s much different when your million of followers can chime in. and the over production of the show. the glam. the teams. the branding just became these women trying to sell that they could be likeable instead of actually being likeable. plus the election in the us kind of made people pay attention more to what some of these women were like. that one reunion when carol asked who voted in 2016 and half the couch refused to answer 😭😭 remarks and comments made by the cast were things that fans held them accountable for which is not a bad thing, but it took away from the unseriousness of what the show originally was. i think a lot of missteps occurred production and casting wise and atp the franchise as a whole is on its last leg. the franchise as a whole is very dark right now…

sounds better to do it now while your kid still young and won’t really remember/know what’s going on. sorry this happened to you and your husband is awful person. the next time he threatens to kill himself just say go ahead like who gaf. you deserve to be happy and staying with him for your childs sake won’t make you or that child happy. hope you can quickly and safely get out this situation.

awww. you’re gonna be great. i think that raising a child is equal parts work and love, and you will love the person your child grows to be and your child will love you. hope your wife has a healthy and a safe pregnancy and being parents bring you both a lot of joy!

well he’s a [notorious creep](https ://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/game-pay-7m-damages-losing-bid-new-sexual-assault-trial-1248745/) so i think people already have their feelings and thoughts on him and even with that aside, yes. these picture see weird lol

lmao she was really young when she married him, a lot of it gave groomer vibes from what i remember her retelling of how they got together. he seemed like w shitty husband to her but hey!

a phD has never equaled smart. lol it just means you got a phD.

dry spell? i’d say pop is at its worst music wise rn it’s insane how nobody and nothing is interesting or moving at the moment…

i just went to see your post and you went to a subreddit with a bunch of lonely loser men who get absolutely no and i mean ZERO b*tches and had just typed their reply after jerking off for the 14th time that day and let them call you fat???? and i’m not blaming you or trying to be mean to you, but you seem like you lack self-confidence and went there wanting to hear harsh words. you are in no way fat and you should love the body you’re in as it changes and grows with you because someday you’ll look back and wonder how you ever thought you were fat. you’re not super skinny, not everyone in the world is super skinny and the quicker the world understands that the better off we’ll be. albeit, if you don’t like the weight, lose it in healthy ways that make you feel good, but you already sound like you don’t even like yourself very much. start there.

you realize you’re talking about fucking children, right? “bad habits” and it’s a young girl who just weighs more than her skinnier sister. even the way you typed all that out and keep saying obese is fucking abhorrent and fataphobic about a literal kid jesus christ. please don’t ever have kids if this is the way you talk about people…

blaming women instead of a man for being a terrible inconsiderate person is crazy LMFAOOOOO

feel like this is made up to start a convo for racists or idiot boomers alike to throw in their two cents about “this is the world we live in now where we can’t have preferences” LMAO. a preference is oh i prefer tall men, i like dark hair, i don’t like super skinny women, i like skinny men, i’m into feminine people, etc. a racial preference is odd and usually based on environmental factors (then there’s also racial fetishes where people “prefer” dating someone who is a certain race solely bc of their race). if you already know from the jump you don’t date certain races of people and you’re not attracted to certain races (because how do you write off whole races of people??), then yeah, it’s racism and hey maybe it’s not your fault, maybe you grew up in suburbia idk but yeah…pretty sure this story is made up either way, but everyone have fun debating over it i guess

well actually no it’s not the same thing. you being a gay man means you are only attracted to men. preferring a certain race usually comes from environmental factors or racism. saying “i think some black women are so pretty, but i’m not attracted to them/would never date them” is not the same as “i think some women are pretty, but i cannot date them” because you quite literally cannot be attracted to them.

it all depends on your skin type, but basically—

  • cleanser
  • moisturizer -sunscreen (in the day)

if you have oily vs dry vs combination vs normal skin that’s another thing where you can maybe look into a light toner. if you problem skin that’s when seeing a dermatologist would be the route. you’re super young so no harsh treatments or chemicals, but i think you could look into asian/korean skin care for sheets masks for fun!

this makes me so sad because you sound like an absolute sweetheart who cares for this girl 😢 don’t let your mom get to you, she will continue to her run her mouth, but at the end of the day you are allowed to tell what she is doing is rude and ableist. she would be so lucky to have someone who cares for her enough to even want to do these things shes basically bullying you about. she sounds miserable.