That's a fun title for a story that isn't real. This is like average man and his buddy having a $280 dollar inconvenience between them. When you would go out to drink you'd be like, "bro, we have to finish building that damn computer before the King of England dies!" And your friend goes, " I know, I've just been so busy with the kids." And then you bring it up again at Christmas....

Remind me, 25 years! Two months in and going strong. The key for me was to just throw it all in the garbage. That's what finally made it work.

Part of the Evil Empire

Wow. The Cubs winning their recent World Series really reset the standard here, otherwise there would have been a huge gulf between them and the next worst team

I heard the problem summed up well recently. There are maybe like a 2 hour lecture worth of financial knowledge a person needs. That's it. It's not that complicated.

Finance is a lot like diet and exercise in that way, where explaining the basics is simple, but following it the hard part. It requires discipline and serious effort.

So it both fields, well you can't keep a show on the air by giving that same 2 hour lecture over and over again, so these guys get weird and complicated or start accepting any sponsor and that's how they end up peddling scams.

These two suck each other's cocks

Wait, wrong circle-jerk subreddit...

Were you born a misogynist, or did you become one after watching Tremors 2?

New Jerseyite (most cringe place) 🤮 :nj-flag: 😭

Eh! What the fuck!

Hopefully Indy NiDell's channel, This Week In WW2 gets a pass here or it's going to be a tough watch.

Looks inside...



Yo psyched for gay lust. That month is gunna be lit.

What am I supposed to do, sue him for using a picture of me dressed as him?

My head canon on this is that the people of Rohan put a serious premium on personal bravery. We see that in the founding of their kingdom and in this battle.

So I view it as everyone was "fooled" by Erowyn's disguise, and didn't "notice" Merry because they respected the bravery their actions more than they valued the strict following of rules. As long as the two of them kept up the act until the battle, so everyone could keep up appearances.

This is a value system that appears in some early European tribal traditions too, so Tolkien might have been aware of stories with these themes.

Presence of the Master is pretty great, since a lot of newer players have never seen it before.

Voice of Hunger. I hate my opponents and I want them to know that.

I think Jenny Nicholson might have killed them.

I would not even be surprised if she's effecting the stock price now.

Eisenhower; he built the highway system that defines America to this day and is in the small group of presidents whose deeds before becoming president might be more important and more impressive than anything he did as president.

Also he established M.A.D during the Cold War, the fundamental frame through which that conflict is viewed, and I spit disrespectfully at the CCCP.