I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. I’ll be thinking of you and your family.

I experienced something similar with my younger sister. We’re only 16 months apart. When I was in college her boyfriend tried to strangle her, we lived together and I happened to be home and upstairs and heard, and I ran downstairs and tackled him. I had PTSD, imagining what would have happened if I hadn’t been there, or if I’d been too late. Their toddler was asleep upstairs. I feel for her sister, but I empathize a lot with Cass. She’s a hero, but the what ifs are haunting her, I’m sure. I’m glad she seems to have a loving and supportive family and hope she’s doing okay.

Hannah bought tomato plants in August one year, so if mom’s in charge those larders are going to be empty come winter. 😂

My father in law wanted to name my wife Persephone or Seraphina. My MIL vetoed those options, and my wife is extremely glad she did. She has a still uncommon and pretty name, but is glad to not have such an overly flowery, long name.

There have been studies done that prove this.

My sister had an ex in high school whose family never had food. They’d stop by the mini mart on the way home and get a few gallons of whole milk and some cigarettes. That guy was always coming over and eating all of our food, and it’s not like we were rich - my mom just fed us. 🙃 I often think of him when I see the BF family getting 60% of their calories from milk.

I saw a “Trad Wife” influencer who was literally an unmarried childless 19yo college student living with her parents. 😂 She’d post videos of herself making bread in a flowy floral dress and talk about how she was preparing for her future husband and family. She actually had a lot of followers too. It was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in my life.


A screenshot of her kicking the goose in the head. From a reel posted by Daniel. Scroll back in his feed to see the video.

I’m pretty sure it’s in a reel Daniel posted. I think around when Mabel was a newborn. He filmed without her knowing and she just walked up to the goose and coldly kicked it. It was shocking.

She needs to be in control of the narrative in order to be happy. It’s always been about the image for her, her family and life is a performance. She doesn’t want interaction or feedback from her audience. Now that she’s more public, she can’t control the narrative anymore, and I’m sure that’s making her miserable.

Between Fran and Lois. That’s why they’re 2 years apart instead of 18 months. Daniel mentioned it when she was pregnant with Flora.

I know you posted this a while ago, but look into POTS. I was diagnosed with it after struggling for years, and am now on a few medications and it’s such a dramatic difference. My heart rate is much more normal and I’m significantly more active without it exhausting me. I had to bring POTS up to my doctor, no doctor ever even mentioned it to me.

I like to walk within my neighborhood - today we walked to the farmers market, then lunch, then the bookstore and library. Tomorrow I’ll walk to a different brunch spot. But if I’m getting in the car it’s just as simple to cross a bridge as it is to drive within my quadrant. My wife works in a different quadrant and it’s not a big deal. There are plenty of bridges and Portland is not a difficult city to navigate, despite some bottlenecks here and there. Get to know your neighbors and neighborhood, but don’t limit yourself, there’s so much to do in all parts of the city.

I loved Themis, and I took the exam while working full time and a 1-year-old baby. I just started the course about a month early so I could pace myself more. I passed, and I took the exam about 5 years after graduating, so it’s definitely possible.

I have ADHD, being treated for that was so important. So highly suggest you get that sorted before testing.

I think they want to keep her lactating so they can send her over to the dairy when it opens. And if they don’t milk her regularly she’ll dry up.

Makes sense. I appreciate you reading my explanation. Hannah is certainly not a typical pageant contestant, she’s what’s called a “crown chaser” in the industry. Only there to win, no interest in volunteering, personal growth, or meeting the other contestants. And the Mrs. pageants are especially regressive in general. Miss America has actually gotten rid of the swimsuit portion of competition and focuses a lot more on substance.

Unfortunately I don’t really see Zanna getting away from her family’s influence any time soon. She also just got back from her mission, which I’ve heard can be traumatic but is also highly indoctrinating.

There’s a random food cart that used to exist in Portland called Stock and Barrel, hasn’t been around since like 2012. They had a veggie burger with a patty they made that had avocado and I think some kind of raspberry aioli, maybe also caramelized onions. One of the best things I’ve ever eaten. My cravings for that burger haunt me. It had the perfect texture and flavor.


Apparently she has another Pinterest (oldest pin from 11 years ago, most recent from 5 years ago). It’s an interesting picture into her style transition. And the username was vintagevsvogue, and apparently her old blog was vintageversevogue.blogspot.com. I wonder why Micka took over that phrase as her instagram name.

I’ve never seen a crib. They had a pack and play when Mabel was the smallest (that I think was Martha’s before), but I’m pretty positive they bedshare. Probably have with all of them. To be fair, I also bedshare, but would never leave a baby alone on their stomach on a bed, especially with the bedding wrinkled like that. I follow the safe sleep seven. And tbh with Daniel’s weird sleepwalking condition, it’s really not safe for her to bedshare with an infant in the same bed as him.

You vastly overestimate your power of influence.

To me, this is such a different vibe than their house. Maybe she’s just bad at execution?

I see the idea is unpopular here, but idk why. I did pageants back in the day, so I guess my perspective is different. Most of the women who do Miss America pageants are in college, and are overall very ambitious. I’m a lawyer. My pageant friends are now doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, lawyers, professional musicians, accountants, government employees, etc. Many are now also married and have kids, and a small few are stay at home moms. In more conservative states like Utah the contestants may skew a little different, but overall the program encourages independence and higher education. I think, with Zanna growing up in such a conservative family that doesn’t encourage her to pursue a career, that pageants would be a way for her to be exposed to different ways of thinking, but would be something that her family would support. The girl’s not going to do something rebellious - so I’m hopeful she does something for herself that delays marriage and babies