Ok, but you’d have a hard time convincing me that toe is the result of cigarettes.

“As soon as you’re done Lovin’ It, GTFO!”

Where does the dock live when it’s not on vacation?

Thanks, I hate it. Looks like a televangelist college football coach.

Bye bye lake. Bye bye moistiness. Hello emptiness. I’m thinkin that you’re gonna dry.

I got sick and this instagram doctor said he could cure me for $61 and also prevent me from ever getting sick again! 🙄

This has got to be like when some farmer undoubtedly looked outside at Woodstock and wondered where in the hell all those hippies came from.

“The room…was full…of…milkmen…some of whom…were very…old” - Ernest Scribbler

That is definitely not his first bottle of wine this lunch hour.

The confusing aspect to this is why it’s cropped with a bunch of black space that makes you wonder if it’s part of the joke and what panel the goddamn captions apply to.

“As i was walking down the street one day, a man came up to me and asked me what the time was that was on my watch” - Chicago

Marvel stuff, sneakers, yankees jacket. I think you’re fine. Maybe she thinks the plants should all be unwatered and dead.

Leo Gallagher used this shitty prop joke in like 1980

I don’t think he wants you to change the radio station.