Awww, sweet (summer) child of mine. :)

Drunk Charmander. It's always good for a laugh.

Working Moms. My other suggestions have already been mentioned by others, but this shoe gets no recognition, and I think it's so good! Adult themes, realistic adult situations, realistic parental situations, the characters. I swear I've met each one of the characters in real life.

I'm very much like you, I have 2 notebooks full of the notes I took from training, a lot of it almost word for word, even outlined the videos that were shown. My test anxiety was pretty high also. I used ABA Rocks to quiz myself whenever I had free time and dedicated time to it as well, until it was familiar. Give yourself some time to do relaxation techniques before your test. I arrived early and did some breathing exercises in the parking lot before entering. Went through the protocols- I had to put my stuff in a locker, sign-in, etc. I was shown to a testing room. It seems intimidating, but it went well, the questions were familiar from all the quizzing I did. You might find the wording of questions to be different, but the concepts are the same. I still had anxiety leaving the test when finished because you don't get any kind of score, but I did pass. If I had failed, I would've just gone back to studying and tried again. Quiz until you're confident. You got this! I believe in you!!

I think she's really good in Sneaky Pete. That show has a lot of lying going on and she's very apt at underplaying her character. It's hard to imagine someone else pulling it off like she does.

Yes! I love my meno. My whole menstrual cycle phase of life was torture. From my teens, having cramps so bad I would lay on a furnace vent covered in blankets, telling my doctor my birth control wasn't working (almost 3 weeks of period) and being patronized and ignored. Pregnant on birth control. Different doctors telling me they can find nothing wrong, it's just my period (like I'm over dramatic and extra). My period would typically last 9ish days, in the middle of it, I could not go 20 minutes without having to change everything (tampon, pad, underwear). Work was a struggle, anemia was real, finding a doctor to listen impossible. I truly think meno has equaled out my hormones. I do get hot flashes periodically, but I take an otc supplement for them and do okay. Everything seems to be leveling out and I feel like it's getting better and better.

Maybe, "A Haunting in Connecticut"?

But a cute piggy bank for $10, put the $20 in it.

I was just reflecting on this very thing yesterday! I could be the person that posted this and I'm sick of it. My son said something like that, not the shut up part, but I didn't like his tone and told him I don't care how old you are, you will not talk to me like that, (paraphrased). He's been checked. My patronizing daughter interrupted my already bad day, to cry and vent to me about some slight I made her feel and I made crying hands under my eyes at her and told her to take adulting classes, she's been checked. The man I've been mothering for the last 20 years? Gone. :) I didn't take this shit when I was younger, but I fell into that trap of being the sole provider for emotional, financial. Tangible, mental, etc needs while constantly treated as an annoyance. No more, I say, no more.

Right, I wouldn't be surprised to hear "if Biden hadn't stolen the election in the first place, there'd already be an impenetrable wall across the southern border, biggest and strongest in the universe that would've eliminated all our immigration problems, but, noooo, they had to steal the presidency from us"

I was going to suggest something like this. I grew up in a very old house, and I remember the closet doors had those little latches but not doorknobs, maybe it was originally elsewhere in the house.

They just hang up a phone call without saying "goodbye" or "ok, I'll talk to you later" or literally anything, they just end the call.

People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul- James Brown

People with that disease can be expected to live a typical life-span. Since she had already given birth to 2 children, meaning her pregnancy would've been monitored closely because of the disease, I assume, she was aware of her condition. So that presents 2 coincidences: a relative died of the disease (not typical) and she did too, or MP was the last person to see 2 separate women alive that subsequently died at the bottom of staircases. I know it's speculative, I think it's just which example of Occam's razor does one choose?

Tommy Kirk from Old Yeller and other various Disney movies. Lee Majors when he was Heath on The Big Valley, not the 6 million dollar man (he seemed too dad-like by then) but Jamie was cool. James MacArthur from Hawaii 5-0

It behooves me to remind you, Jamie Gertz was also on it.:)

I think the blow poke is a red herring. I think this is a man that has figured out how to kill someone simply by using a staircase. I know the evidence doesn't support it, but I think he killed both women. I think he was trying to prevent information known about him by these women from getting out. He's a narcissistic sadistic man and it tracks that he would adopt the children of a woman he murdered simply to throw suspicion off of himself. If the authorities would have been more competent, there would be fewer questions of his guilt