So I'm doing the Freestar Ranger chain, and I've gone off to Waggoner Farm. There's a sandstorm that won't effing quit, that causes lung damage before I'm into the canyon.

WHY?!? I'm wearing a FREAKIN' SPACE SUIT with a helmet on. I've slept / waited 18 hours, and the storm's still blowing. I can't even take shelter inside the Waggoner's farm, because the "bad air" extends to INSIDE THEIR CABIN.

Obviously, this planet is not fit for habitation, let alone farms.

And while we're at it, how can it be -400 degrees outside on a sunny day standing in a grassy meadow? Barrett's sitting there freezing his nethers off, and it's causing my suit to shut down. If I step in water, I get frostbite, as a butterfly the size of my head goes fluttering past.

These are basic conditions, Bethesda! This should have been taken care of at launch, or in the first major bug patch.