YouTube, Tiktok, etc. In this day and age, it is the way to go.

I kind of miss the gaming online forums though. This is where I used to go to discover good games when I was younger 💀

🦜 ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴋ

uBlock Origin + Firefox

Huh? If I dont want to talk to someone and end up not talking to them for WEEKS, it probably means IDGAF about that person and therefore it isn't a friend.

I answer to text messages from the friends I like and we call each other almost every day.

Can't relate with this one unfortunately...

I'm glad I'm not from the USA. Kaspersky has been great for me.

It looks like cold war all over again 💀

Lvl 28... What do you think....

MVP is gonna play with Ian's wife chest.

True. My comment was just to point out that Izzy has a granite chin and would be alright even in Powerslap.

Powerslap is dumb AF and I'll never watch that shit lol

I do drink every once in a while. It's just bad for your health to do it regularly and/or in big quantity. When you're at a point where you ask for money FOR ALCOHOL instead of food, you're an alcoholic, which isn't "cool" at all.

If taking care of your health is "🤓", then I'm proud to be "🤓".

40 hours a week worth of work on this planet seems fair/fine.

Increase in price of things from big corps will make everything go up in price as well. Rent, food, gas, etc. If those go up in price, the little shops/companies need to make their prices go up as well, otherwise they don't make any profits.

If someone tries to undercut the big corps anyways they will either be bought back or forced into bankruptcy. Amazon is well known for that (selling products for a lower price, even if it's at a loss, only to make sure the company that's trying to undercut them don't get sales. Then they either buy the conpany if it's even worth it, or the company closes because of bankruptcy). When this process is done and all relevant "competitors" are out of business, they Jack Up the prices and the only known/viable options are the big corps.

The Greed of a few people/companies can have a huge effect on an economy. That's why regulations/laws should be enforced on companies when they Reach a certain size to promote small local business and slow down big corps growth as much as possible. Otherwise we could end up in a monopoly.

I'm obviously not talking about pure alcohol. I'm talking about the one you consume.

For the most part it is useless and harmful.

Price fixing still comes from a form of corporate greed.

And there are a few reasons why no one came in and undercut the big corps...

Covid didn't affect the economy as much as they're trying to tell us. I work in finance and I'm telling you it's total bullshit.

Corporate greed is what it really is. There should be regulations/laws to prevent this from happening.

If I didn't have enough money to buy alcohol, my parents would give me food instead tbh.

Alcohol is useless.

Second fight was better imho. It almost felt unreal.

Haha yep. And this is not a hot take from me at all.

Best in the genre are always Bloodborne/Sekiro when you ask hardcore souls fans.

Casuals would say Elden Ring.

And some people would say Nioh 2, but the is a really small portion.

I'd love a grinding based MMO. The problem with today's MMOs is that the grinding isn't as rewarding when someone can just buy whatever with real cash and "skip" the entire farming/grinding.

We need an MMO where only cosmetics & premium Subscription can be bought with real cash. Everything else should be based off farming.

Add in some legendary items with a <0.03% loot chance on hard endgame bosses and you've got something interesting.

Probably because that person is young and doesn't know better.

That new generation doesn't know jack shit about pirating...

No. I am the one who actually won in 2006... Wtf ?!?

Housing won't go down no matter what happens... Unfortunately