I'm replaying origins at the moment and I did all origin stories before starting main game, they are very immersive and provide a lot of interesting lore.

That's about right. I'm thinking about doing next playthrough of Skyrim with a huge modlist.


I Play Skyrim every 5 years for many hours. I do the same for fallouts and oblivion.

Just count your calories and stay below 1200 calories per day. You don`t need a diet or even exercise to lose weight, you just need to eat below 1200 calories.

In some games fsr is good enough to look as good as dlss for example dying light 2 after patches but in others I`ve tested like darktide DLSS was vastly superior, it was quite noticeably better in last of us too.

Bg1 us great , recently finished it again

Gaming is just one of my hobbies, I ride my motorbike, trek a lot with my wife, occasionaly get wasted on a party, watch a lot of documentaries etc. You can't game all the time and enjoy it.

4070 super is so much faster and got more ram for not that much more money. 4060 ti dosn`t make sense at it`s price point.

Who the hell told you that you`re entitled to a happy comfy life? Do you think crying will help anything? You need to work hard for your family's happiness.

Faktycznie niewiarygodny rozpierdol. O ile jestem zdecydowanym przeciwnkiem formacji jak straz miejska to tutaj sytuacja jest na tyle zla, ze sprawia juz zagrozenie. Caly chodnik zastawiony, zagrozenie przy przejsciu dla pieszych...

Bad, iflated price. 4060 ti dosnt make financial sense, just get a regular 4060 or 4070 super if you want to spend more.

6 supersonic jets parked in the open near the front line just like that? It sounds like a treason, an officer got bribed and provided Russians with the juicy target.

4 damaged jets are probably effectively destroyed because Ukraine can`t get spare parts.

The only way to help Africa is to teach people there how to not breed like a locust.

Have only as many children as you can feed.

Life`s good when you`re

 breeding bull is greeted by pasture full of cows.

Nikt nie został rozliczony, jest po prostu hucpa dla naiwnych i telewizji jak co wyboru w Polsce

if it`s a good psu with strong 12V line you should be fine but your psu is really weak.

She really said kissing a guy for 10 to 30 seconds was just a random reaction? :D

If you're meritious blood donor you will have healthcare without long wait times, otherwise you will wait 3-4 years for arthroscopy.