“Bond. James Bond.”

“Well, Mr. Bond…”

“Jimmy’s good.”

Your typo on the title makes it sound like Bond works in a cubicle and his wife asked him how his day was when he got home

Anyone remember how we all got mad cause some dude ate a bat a couple years ago?

(Replying to top comment and copy/pasting my reply from the update thread):

This is a troll post which, IMO, spreads Incel-ish hatred toward women. This whole thing makes no sense and has blown up and enraged people and caused heated back-and-forth between the OG and the update.

Posted in late June, well after Mother’s Day. Zero response to any questions asking for backstory.

OP profile has karma but only the one post and zero comments visible.

Anyone responding is being played for a fool. Only the worst person on the planet would do what his wife did and only the most moronic person on the planet would solve it with a vacation.

This is fuckin stupid and everyone needs to calm down and get off this train.

This is a troll post which, IMO, spreads Incel-ish hatred toward women. This whole thing makes no sense and has blown up and enraged people and caused heated back-and-forth between the OG and the update.

Posted in late June, well after Mother’s Day. Zero response to any questions asking for backstory.

OP profile has karma but only the one post and zero comments visible.

Anyone responding is being played for a fool. Only the worst person on the planet would do what his wife did and only the most moronic person on the planet would solve it with a vacation.

This is fuckin stupid and everyone needs to calm down and get off this train.

I didn’t realize it till I read your comment.

I’ll be here. I re-read your comment a few times and I’m not sure what I’m missing.

I’m not trying to be an arse I just find your wording confusing.

Sorry I don’t really understand your comment lol. I agree drinking and driving is very bad though. Any impaired driving, really.

Some people are just angry at anyone catching a break. Life is a lot more enjoyable if you find a way to be genuinely happy for people when they succeed.

Okay I should point out I’m in Canada so there’s probably some minor differences. But as far as the actual legal limit for alcohol goes, it’s a straight up scientific formula and I can assure you half a normal beer wouldn’t put anyone anywhere near that limit (unless they’re like 8 years old and drinking a beer then driving or something).

But someone can be impaired, still, and not at that special number - they’re different charges under our laws. But even then half a beer…I’m gonna say not possible.

For weed, all they can check for is physical signs of impairment. There’s no test (I don’t think) and you could never be arrested for driving and admitting you smoked a joint the day before.

Nah, not how it works. Just being in your system doesn’t make you impaired.

That would be like saying you’re DUI after half a beer. There’s alcohol in your system, sure, but you’re far from impaired.

On that note though you obviously would be impaired by drug if you took a few hoots and got behind the wheel. I’m not sure the difference between one puff of weed and one beer in terms of how much it impairs you (I don’t smoke weed) but I’d guess it’s probably way more sketchy to have a puff of cannabis and drive immediately.

Well, yeah… once they’re done school, they need to find a job to live lol. It’s a really important and mature consideration especially at their age.

Your “mommy and daddy” comment is the opposite of mature, though. You seem to think just because their parents planned way ahead and apparently worked hard to make sure their kid has opportunities that they must also be some undeserving spoiled rich kid.

The kid got accepted to good schools in tough fields. Clearly, they didn’t squander whatever other opportunities they were afforded thus far.

You come off as jealous and spiteful.

This is what we do. Both still have our own bank account/chequing etc but once payday comes we dump like 90% of the pay into the joint account.

The money we keep is to save up for surprises for each other as well as to still have some level of privacy and independence.

Awesome story I’m sure you heard some amazing things over the years!

Not sure what the repairs are (I don’t think you mentioned it but I could have missed it), but fyi everything is still all over the map due to the craziness that came along with the pandemic (labour costs, material costs, demand).

Point I’m making is any job you want multiple quotes these days. Like minimum 3.

We just did some work and the quotes differed by tens of thousands of dollars, and it’s definitely wasn’t due to a “get what you pay for” situation.

You’re in Canada man. Stop trying to pretend everything that happens in the states is an issue here.

Ah, angrily getting redressed, aka the Reverse Hulk.

The hilarious smashing of the walnut and karate-chopping a coke bottle into pieces reminds me of that gif where a tactical robot is seen gently grasping and turning a doorknob, only to drive right through the door/wall in the next frame.

That’s how it happens man. I’d bet very few guys think about whether or not they want to be married or have kids or whatever until it’s in front of you and it’s decision time.

Swore up and down no wife or kids for me. Then I met her, and BAM I’m about to build some Lego with my little one, who’s fuckin awesome.

Anyway for me it just kinda came along and made sense.

After laughing at how I related to the original comment and then reading this I am in tears

Will add on to this that 90% of people out there don’t have their dream job period.

You start out somewhere, end up wherever and within that place find something that works for you. Like maybe started in trades and ended up finding out the sales end is way more your style. Or started working for the city taking care of parks but realized you were a better fit doing waste management when an opportunity arose.

That’s how the overwhelming majority of us end up “making it,” even though it’s not glamorous…OP, life very rarely gives two shits about the roadmap you set out before it.

I thought it was like a “west side” thing but then realized a W doesn’t go sideways so then thought maybe an east side thing?

I dunno I hear a lot of the west side/east side stuff sometimes but I don’t know anything about that, or rap. Or geography.