When people ask me why I’m so fat phobic I’ll just show them this video

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Someone said in another comment triple crown is per individual league so I guess so

Really? I’ve heard several women say this irl. Maybe not 6’6 but 6’3+ is typically what Ive heard. They were and still are single, big surprise lol

I googled it cuz your comment piqued my interest as I had always assumed Japan had the lowest birthrate since people always talk about it. Turns out Italy, Spain, pierto Rico, and a few Asian countries are all lower than Japan. South Korea was actually 2nd on the website I looked at with a birthrate of 1.11 and Taiwan was first at 1.09. Japan came in at 1.39 Source

You experienced the Baader-Meinhoff Phenomenon about the Baader-Meinhoff Phenomenon. That’s pretty effing meta bro

Comic sans was so good. In college there was an apartment building close to me that had the name of the building and apt numbers in comic sans and it caused me physical pain every time I walked by it. Building itself was actually pretty nice looking, but they ruined it with something so basic as the font.


I asked what the pun was not what the word meant because I understand what the word means, that’s the entire reason I was confused. If it was intended to be a pun it doesn’t make sense and is a shitty joke. Not sure why you feel the need to be a dick when I wasn’t responding to you and I’m pretty sure you aren’t the comedian in the clip

Thanks for taking the time to explain but that sounds like a bit of a reach to me lol. A reach as in I’m pretty sure the comedian didn’t say it like that on purpose. Building infrastructure would do the opposite of “killing the energy” anyways if it was in reference to power lines etc. which is kinda why I was confused in the first place

What even is the pun? Can’t figure it out for the life of me

Was that wrestler… supposed to do that??? Looked pretty bad lmao

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

I don’t think teams are allowed to do that. I believe they can have signing bonuses but that’s just at the very beginning of the deal, I’ve never heard of them being spaced out and paid like an annuity but I could be wrong about that. Teams aren’t in the business of giving 9 figure signing bonuses anyways so I kind of think that’s a moot point

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Ah yes, those damn toll roads making millionaires go broke left and right.

The increase in property taxes you’re talking about is in the order of thousands/tens of thousands/MAYBE six figures a year if that. But yeah that totally evens out with the millions he’d be paying yearly in income tax while living in CA during the season.

Getting offered less money in a place with more punitive taxes won’t influence your decision making at all, you’re right I doubt that mattered

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Idk the exact amount but I think we would’ve had to offer like 375+ to be equivalent to the 325 he got from Texas since they don’t have state income tax. I love Seag as much as the next guy but he realistically would’ve had to take a huge discount to stay in Dodger blue and I don’t expect players to do that. Miss him big come October tho, there’s no denying that

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Just turned the game on, what is Joe referring to with Dave showing Ramirez some humanity? Can anyone provide some context?

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Costas is painful to listen to when it’s your own team. I don’t mind watching non dodger games he calls though

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

I couldn’t stand Charlie, he would drivel on forever about this or that but wouldn’t even say the score or what the game situation was. Dude this is radio, I can’t see what’s fucking happening you have to tell me yet for some reason it always seemed like he failed to grasp that concept.

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Wow you’re the complement to me and my gf. Last year went to 6 games and they won all 6!

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

I think he said that referring to basically all mlb teams but it definitely holds true for the Giants lmao

This looks so familiar, but I can’t remember what it’s from? At first I was thinking magic school bus, but then again it’s not a school bus so couldn’t be that lmao

No mention of Doughty?? I just read something on the athletic that by some metrics Doughty was the best defensive defenseman in the nhl this year (with 14 goals to boot)

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

I didn’t realize the one charged with fraud wasn’t Lindsey Hill, my mistake. I did hear that mlb met with the one of the women and she had a video to support her allegations… and said video was a big contributing factor to the suspension he received.

:Kershaw-C: Clayton Kershaw

Bauer has been accused of sexual assault by 4 different women, one of whom happened to be full of shit. Can we please stop it with the “false allegations” crap I see all over this and the mlb sub cuz of one person who was deemed to be not credible. Lots of smoke around Bauer being an abusive POS besides Lindsey Hill