Learner 👨‍🎓

Just because someone is a native speaker doesn't mean they can explain the language. I'm a native English speaker, please do not ask me any grammar questions. My answer will be "because that's the way it is".

You can probably just face-tank him with that gear

Ok, so you're used to quite expensive rent then. See what you can find that's similar. I'd imagine it's important for you to be close to the beach or a decent park so that the kid can be entertained. Moving from a city centre to Bournemouth though will be a big difference. It's so much quieter, which I found a bit odd at first. I'd become used to places being open all hours. 

Maybe you should come for a weekend to check Bournemouth out. There's a direct train from Piccadilly

I moved from Manchester about ten years ago. I like it here. The weather is noticeably warmer, and there's the beach which I guess your kid will enjoy. Where in Manchester do you live at the moment? You might want to investigate the cost of living, as rent etc here is quite high, although some bits of Manchester certainly aren't cheap either.

There's not much cultural stuff going on here, so if you're used to that, then prepare for change

Nice. Next time bring a lens-cloth as it'll stop those smears

Sure. Used to work away a lot so had very little choice

if my grandmother had wheels she'd have been a bike

although i'd smash that

The mighty Stephen hawking is a fucking quake god,

Got my finger on the trigger and my eye on the quad,

Have you seen how the clean it? The basically drive a tractor with a huge rake over the sand. Can't really do that near a tent.

Seems weird it was phrased as a trick question but then wasn't. They could have just asked "who was the next leader of the USSR after Lenin"

A group of us went to one at the slug and lettuce. They got bored of giving us prosecco individually and just left bottles on the tables. It was totally worth it. Although being smashed at midday on a Sunday comes with it's own problems 

Save money on carpeting your home by simply buying two 1 foot square segments and taping them to your feet.

instead of spending £50 on a man united tshirt, simply attach a dildo to your forehead, everyone will know which team you support!

If I got a dollar for every time a woman found me unattractive, eventually they'd find me attractive 

I knew Canada goose was expensive (and completely unnecessary in the UK) but corteiz cargo pants for £155 'on sale'. Am I massively out of touch or is that plainly ridiculous? They look shit too imo.

'Neo' is great. 'Crab' nearby is good too. It does seafood bit also a lot of other things

These are relatively new and used to light up like neon signs when first released. Visible for miles lol