They literally put signs on the highway yelling at us to zipper merge during construction. If you're able to switch lanes, go ahead, and merge back in, that means the people in front of you are doing it wrong and half of them SHOULD be in the other lane. The people getting into the long lane way too soon are the ones you should be mad at. 

Idk about this guest in particular, but damn, what a take.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with label seeking people with victim complexes and instead has something to do with the fact that we KNOW people with clinically diagnosed PTSD are much more likely to develop bipolar (and schizophrenia), potentially due to the stress of the traumatic event(s) triggering bipolar/schizo episodes. Very commonly comorbid. Maybe you just know annoying or shitty people, cuz I know many people who have one or both who are just regular people doing their best with what they've got. 

In the post show, she said he used to have a company that did custom build and commercial stuff, but has scaled it way down and only does small deck, roof and siding jobs by himself or with one assisant now because he's almost 70 and had a big health issue. 

He's still gotta have knowledge and contacts he can pass on though

All of the little cheap companies use the same towers as the big 3, so you're probably fine just picking whatever is the cheapest that meets your needs.  

If you don't use much data and don't go to the US, freedom has a very cheap yearly prepaid plan with or without data. 99/y no data, 119/y 15gb/yr, 150/yr 30gb/y. So $8-12/mo ish. They go as low as 19 for a monthly plan with 1gb of data and the data goes up exponentially with every $5 extra, $35 gets you 50gb plus US. They use Roger's towers when you can't get a signal from them (if you have nationwide, which most plans are). 

Eta my brother lives on the waterfront downtown and hasn't had any issues with freedom on a canada only plan. I used to have issues over by walker/the airport and lasalle but it's gotten mostly fixed

Some canadian places do too. Very common at takeout places. Also seen some tattoo shops, small coffee places and hairdressers that don't charge you tax if you pay cash. Pretty obvious they're giving you a discount because they don't want to pay taxes on it either. 

Extra dumb because he says in that same video that he wants to be able to afford to build 1000 more in the future 

My 2nd Try android app has the google cast button around half of the time, nothing the other half, but the TV doesn't show up as an option when the button is there. My TV has an issue with that for other apps as well, the tv only shows up as an option maybe 1/3 of the time when I try to cast from YouTube, Netflix, Disney+ etc. Happens with every device I own that I've tried to cast from. So I think it's a Samsung issue. 

I think the song is great overall but I'm not a huge fan of his part. Something about his voice in that high range sounds spitty/phlegmy and is a bit grating. Like I'll listen to it but it takes me out a bit 

Edit I was confusing this with evermore ft bon iver LOL. Love his voice in exile, the above comment is for evermore 

It's so sad watching Blaire White just sit there nodding along and barely or not pushing back when her whole identity gets trashed by the people who invited her onto shows as their token trans person. 

Yes, and now with the internet, some people break free when they learn dissenting information, but others react more defensively by going towards sources that reaffirm their beliefs, which often leads them to more extreme views and finding communities that reinforce the extreme beliefs. Not just conservatives fall into this, rabbit holes and echo chambers can catch anyone, but it's a particularly dangerous one

Oh don't worry, those women politicians still get a lot of shit from other conservatives. My mother refrained from voting because her conservative candidate was a woman. She couldn't vote not-conservative and she couldn't vote for a woman, so she just didn't vote period. Many of her church friends also abstained and the rest only voted for the woman because "it's the lesser evil". They respect pretty much every woman in power much less then the male counterpart. The only time they take women seriously is when they're in roles designed for and catering to women (eg books about how to be a godly wife, ladies' meeting speakers, children's church/VBS)

Agree about it being wasteful for physical releases, but re: "Letting Gracie do her best"... Look at the numbers. TTPD had 115 streams and Gracie's had 89k, that's a huge difference. Gracie wasn't predicted to be #1. Taylor knew she didn't need to release anything. She still would've beat all of the other artists in previous weeks if she hadn't released variants, but those were a bit closer or had higher predictions.  

Yeah the ones I've seen that have those signs are also the ones who have a key for stalls with baby change tables so people can't use them to do drugs

The Lover body suits seem very structured/hard/shiny too and make her look a bit rounder and wider around the stomach from some angles due to that. This picture is one of those angles, plus the pose. You can see in other tight outfits, like the Reputation outfit, that she doesn't have the kind of "tummy" the delusional person in the screenshot thinks she has 

She was "I had trouble doing a 2h tour for 6 months because I was malnourished" skinny before, she's "3.5h tour for 2 years no problems" strong fit slim now

They do have a reputation for making anyone and everyone look pregnant lol

My kid's pediatrician told us to do that when she was 2-3. She was always a terrible sleeper, more exercise during the day and bedtime routines/sleep hygiene stuff didn't help, and he said it was better for her brain to get help sleeping than to get like half the recommended sleep for her age 

It's even worse, you also shouldn't eat for 30-60 min before brushing. Acid from food weakens the enamel and brushing during that period can damage the enamel 

Meanwhile I was in the front 1/4 of the queue and 170 was the cheapest available one left already. Literally the farthest away you can get, back row opposite the stage. Every section still had available seats so I doubt there was anything much cheaper to begin with 

  1. I will be travelling around 4 hours by car

  2. No. Got the worst tickets available because I didn't have much savings at the time and could cash flow cheap ones.

  3. I will not. Budgetting for gas/incidentals, staying with a relative.

  4. Bad at math but i think like 0.5% for just the tickets, pribably will spend another 0.2-0.3% in incidentals, mainly gas and merch. Cheapest nosebleeds purchased in the pre-sale lol

  5. Na

  6. Almost debt free. Just have a small 0% student loan I'm paying off as slowly as possible 

Yeah that's why I'm not gonna bother asking about refunding or transferring from 2nd try to YT. I'll let the. Keep the 30% cut YT would take, this time. Just this time lol

Yeah people have said they've done just that. It's 4300-6300 on stubhub for the nosebleed section I bought for 170 face value in Toronto. You could have a full on european vacation including a taylor concert for that. My husband did a week in London for 2k last year