I'm 27 and I wish I was in your position! You're 18 you should go for it. You won't "miss out" on saving/early investment opportunities. If you don't do it now you could do it during college but you're better off getting all the fun stuff out of the way so you can start investing earlier. Once you get internships/full time jobs you'll regret not having it done sooner. Also you're at the perfect to travel cheap. Hostels are way more fun at your age.

Have fun 😊

Dr. Fatima (physics phd) has a few really interesting videos on this topic I highly recommend :) She's in the US though

I wouldnt recommend Kinton to my worst enemy

no one is denying that EG lost you're fighting ghosts

Sergio Santamaria. He's a part of an italian network of ladlords/investors and will make your life hell (will put you in danger) in order to get you to move out and build airbnbs. Treats you like a subhuman :) please do not encourage this disgusting excuse of a person.

Im still getting the error.. so I cant apply as long as there is this error

Anyone else getting this error when at the last step of applying? Error
This service is not available at this time. Please try again later.

its all the 13-0/new roster and team social media both bringing up the hype for this

bro idk kinda ruins the vibe really felt like tarik was pressured to pick a side and hindered his usual hype for shit like this imo


shahz prob commented because his girlfriend and him queued together and got jason and jason left LUL i understand

They don't realize systemic racism and the decades of abuse mean race should be considered a metric as much as geography or age. I recommend reading So you want to talk about race by Ijeoma Oluo.

Tu te questionnes sur un enjeu complexe sans direction particuliÚre, qui peut mener à des conclusions discriminatoires. Je peux t'en proposer une par exemple: la diversité au travail. Il y a des études qui démontrent que la diversité mÚne à de meilleurs environnements de travail et de meilleurs niveaux de productivité. C'est un problÚme trÚs connu en ingéniérie logicielle et tu peux retrouver des articles de recherches sur le sujet à travers Google Scholars en cherchant les mots-clés unbiased "diversity in the workplace" pour t'en convaincre, si tu désires plus qu'un article d'un journal en ligne du MIT. En fait, un changement de perspective peut aussi t'en convaincre: voit la diversité culturelle comme une diversité d'esprits et donc l'exploration d'un plus grand éventail d'idées au travail. Si tu désires extrapoler vers un aspect plus général, je crois que c'est un bon point de départ.

You seem to have very good ideas, I’m sure she’s really busy and could use ideas from someone like you. What if her family friends own a salon and conveniently she picks to get her hair done over there, the way she likes it? Like I said, not really at a place to judge here.

That’s kinda ignorant, I don’t think you get to judge where a politician decides to get their hair done on top of assuming where they went. For a woman, 200$ is pretty damn standard. Dyeing hair/color corrections cost twice that. I’d really argue that locally run businesses will be more expensive than a shitty “big boutique”, from my experience!

How much is this vintage Marinoni worth?



Hey, I got my own marinoni stolen and went out to St Hyacinthe to replace it. The person that sold it to me rode it about twice, and built it new in 1997 for 1575$. I get a lot of compliments on it! I’m really scared to get it stolen again though and feel like I don’t deserve this bike. I wanted to know how much you think this bike is worth, maybe I could sell it and get something I would be less scared of losing.

Thank you for your time


I've seen a few people on Facebook find their stolen bikes... I just want to do my best to see every option. Just looking for suggestions here :)

Kim Hour metro st-michel, it’s like less than 3$ and pretty decent

Same here, looking for a better sound quality than those 2. I think ANC degrades the sound quality a lot too. I feel like those two options are really bass heavy. If it helps atm i'm looking at Beoplay H4's gen 2 since I got a deal for 240$ CAD.

Wireless headphones for music and commuting max 350$ CADHeadphones - Wireless/Portable

I'm looking for wireless headphones I can use for listening to music and commuting. ANC is not a must, but it is nice for commuting. I'm sorta flexible on the price since I would not mind buying used. My experience with heaphones:

  • I used to have ATH-M50X and really liked them until they just stopped working some day...
  • As for gaming, I'm currently using HyperX Cloud IIs and they are satisfying for music too.
  • I have a friend that made me listen to music on her MW60's and I was really blown away by the sound quality, but those are way out of budget. I think what I got from that is that I like a more bright sound.
  • I bought sony xm3's and really couldn't stand the sound quality so I sold them to someone. I felt like I didn't get what I paid for. If the sound quality is actually great, then shame on me. I'm guessing it's because it was bass heavy and I like a more bright and dynamic sound. I am literally happier using my Jabra Elite 75t over them.

All of this seems pretty contradictory but I hope it tells a bit more about my taste lol.

I like listening to electronic music, rap and indie rock. I was looking at the senheiser 450BT because they seem kinda cheap and had good experience with Senheisers in the past. I'm also considering the B&O H4 because they are currently 240$ on Amazon and I really love the way they look! Finally, I've been eyeing H9is, because this guy is selling his 1 year old H9i's for 300$ and it seems like a pretty good deal for what they can give. Also, my friend is selling her MW60's for 350. The only thing holding me back is that they don't have ANC and I'm curious about other options. Heard good thing about the B&W PX too, and I'm too afraid the qc35 will sound just like the xm3s. Anyways, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks and sorry for my english!
