Will the Global version work on Verizon?

I think the UPS store will do it for $10

I wonder how this compares to the One Plus Open?

Hey! I resemble that remark except for the flip phone!

Have you ever owned this phone? I think you like to troll people in this sub.

Same!! I traded mine for the 24 ultra but went back to the N20U best phone I ever had.

I'll keep my Note 20 Ultra another year

We had it for a while but my wife and I were downtown and neither one of us could make a call or text. Had a lot of dropped calls when it was working. Try restarting our phones nothing worked. Went back to Verizon.

Yes!! Couldn't go back to sleep so I'm tired af this morning

Very sad news. We used to live by him and he would always drive by on his goldwing and wave when he was heading to Kelo. RIP. Say hi to Dave D.

Maybe Pulse Sms from the play store

When I heard my kids swear the first time