+1 for Matador. Slicing the soap would probably keep it longer anyway. If your soap is soap (not detergent) then you can also let it cure before you use it. Buy them in bulk and unwrap them and let them dry out a few weeks before you use them the first time.

Hey! We have a great climbing gym locally, but Denver Bouldering Club North is fantastic! They have a monthly pride climb night as well as other events and from my experience climbing there, not only is it super inclusive and friendly, but a bunch of active members are in the LGBTQ+ community. I like that even though the facility is great, it's quiet, maybe because of the layout being spread out? I get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily so I like the chill vibe and that I can choose to be social if I want to.

I'm 32 and have been practicing for 9ish years. My body makes the most sound in the room more often than not. I'm fairly advanced, but I have joint and inflammation issues so it'll likely always be a part of my practice.

Add movement throughout your day, lubricate and floss your joints, try red light therapy, make time for a warm up before practice or better yet, at the start of each day whether you intend to practice or not. This will also help you maintain any fluidity you gain from resuming practice.

The progress is showing up for yourself, so you're doing great. And contrary to what it may seem like, it is totally okay to not practice and meditate every day for your whole yoga journey. Taking a break from yoga (whether days, months or years) just means your body/soul needed some rest and you can start again at any time. Your practice is ready to invite you back whenever you're ready so don't let self-imposed embarrassment or restrictions stop you from flourishing.

Sorry, I know this is an old post, but would you mind sharing what models you have? I loved my Braun that was discontinued, I used it for over a decade. I bought the fancy version when my old one finally died and I hate it so much. I find it so painful and irritating and I've been epilating my underarms for over half my life :'(

I dunno if it's the epilator or a hormone change or what, it used to barely sting but now it hurts so much

Once a friend helped me fix something and his roommate came with him. He took his shoes off but his roommate didn't. I didn't say anything because I knew I would be met with confusion and push back. My buddy told me later he was laughing in his head because he knew it killed me -_-

Anyway, I ended up marrying someone who doesn't see an issue with wearing shoes inside or slinging a dirty backpack or clothes on a shared bed.

Not sure what their policy is, but Doordash and the like absolutely take a huge chunk from small businesses so definitely avoid using an app to order from a small business if you can. To me, this warrants an upcharge to offset the costs. I think it can be as much as 30% (of the total purchase, not the profit). Back in my restaurant days, they wanted to take 20% and we refused but they still flooded us with orders and disgruntled customers (DD times for orders and menu were not reflective of ours, but the customer doesn't realize that). If anything, not being able to keep up with their demand caused the restaurant to garner complaints. IIRC, we had no way of contacting customers from Doordash either

If you happen to remember the show, please comment it! I love oddly specific documentaries

My favorite is seeing Seinfeld quotes in the wild (non seinfeld posts and subs, buried in the comments section. I generally see a few a week depending on how much I'm on my phone. Those people are the real heroes.

I honestly think I could watch the show on a loop and be satisfied. Although nothing about it is new to me or a surprise anymore, the relatability makes it timeless

Definitely this! Although I don't use any of his recipes (no particular reason, just already have ones I like), his methodology really enhanced my understanding of bread.

OP, if you have a local bakery that specializes in bread, they'll often sell or give you sourdough discard. There'll be a slight rebound phase because it's unlikely you'll be feeding it the same flour so the bacteria has to acclimate to new food.

I actually think sourdough is the easiest to get into because it's very forgiving and versatile. Even a mediocre sourdough is delicious. If you do it by hand, you'll learn to understand the dough and what it needs much quicker than if you focused on mixer/bread machine recipes.

Martin from King Arthur Baking's YouTube has great explanations. The worst thing you can do is over think things, but it can be a really leisurely experience. You'll probably get the quickest progress by repeating the same recipe and tracking things like room temp, dough temp, time to rise etc.

I have three naturally and my teeth were still crowded 🥲

I didn't even realize it until my ortho pointed it out when I got my Invisalign in. My parents and partner didn't know either. People on this sub look at teeth a lot, they notice every detail. I'm sure there is a slight impact to facial symmetry but tbh I'm not much of a tooth smiler anyway so maybe that's why I didn't know. The gap while the teeth move would be far more noticable to me personally. Get a second opinion, OP and if it's consistent, decide if it bothers you.

Oh wow, I thought that was a joke. Nope, totally a thing

Take the thinking out of as many daily tasks as you can. This frees up cognitive resources for when you need them and is especially helpful for those with ADHD or really anyone who struggles with executive functioning.

The idea is that you remove as many steps as possible so it requires minimal effort.

Examples: Fill your closet with identical clothes and wear them like a uniform- no longer need to think about outfit or sorting laundry. Multiple of the preferred item means you almost always have it on hand without rummaging through your stuff.

Meal subscription/bulk meal prep with high repetition/complete meal replacement- saves energy from meal planning, food is ready even if you have no energy, no need to get over heated cooking. Personally I love Huel as I lack appetite most of the time and get over heated easily.

Outsource if you can. It's not lazy, it's efficient. If you hate making coffee in the morning, there's no shame in programming a coffee maker or making a big batch and microwaving it/having it cold brewed. If you can afford a cleaning service, congrats. If you can't take care of a pet, get an automatic feeder and a couple stainless steel fountains so you can readily refresh them without having to clean them immediately.

Let go of perfectionism. Trying to do everything when you just don't have the mental resources isn't gonna happen. Better to do one thing and let the others fumble and pick them up as you automate other tasks. If you don't have the bandwidth to decide what is the most pressing issue, pick one at random. Doing is the first step of doing something. Thinking about it too much can exhaust you before you begin.

Make a list. Include even banal tasks like brushing your teeth. It's rewarding to cross it off and will organize your life and give you a tiny hit of dopamine. Write where you left off too so it's easier to resume a task.

Simplifying things can apply to hobbies and self care too. Hobbies shouldn't add stress. They can be simple. My hobby is vermiculture and I pretty much only check on my worms twice a month at max.

I think increasing grip strength will be more important than arm muscle since you will ideally utilize most of your body to climb efficiently. Consider technique and observe experienced climbers. Try to stick close to the wall.

Didn't see anyone mention when I scanned the comments, but a thick resistance band is a great way to do assisted pull ups and negatives.

Loop thick band around the bar. Stick one or both knees or feet in depending on length. You can climb up on a chair or bench to get in If it's tricky. If it's a bit short, that's fine. It'll stretch to give you supportive tension and take a lot of your weight so you can practice with lower weight, higher reps. Plus your shoulder girdle will be less stressed so you can spend additional time trying to get correct alignment (such as pulling belly button to spine) so you're not just pulling with your arms.

Idk if it's safe to do this on a door frame bar (depends on strength of door frame) but all the climbing gyms I've seen have a bar.

I have a cat named Cas as well! I had him since he was a kitten though so he's my shadow. My partner was never gonna sway him but it's crazy to think that Cas has had my partner in his life for more years than without him. Cas is a senior citizen now 🥲

Soft disagree on the union stuff. I absolutely want to know if someone shares the same values as me. To me it reads less political and more like OP cares about human rights and acts on it (in advocating for workers rights, against mega corps). I'd also be inclined to believe OP is intelligent because they question societal norms. Maybe stating the union is enough so that it's apparent but not cynical but I think it's superior to attract people you're interested in as opposed to more people. Although maybe that depends more on whether short or long term is the goal

I think the prompt responses are some of the best I've seen tbh. They're simple but say a lot about OP's character without trying too hard (sister and solo traveling, morality).

OP, you seem like a really cool dude. My suggestion is that you remove the big group photo then possibly reorder your photos to one of you alone. The wedding photo is so crisp and looks great, but with the far away group photo and your hair tied up, I didn't know who you were. The wedding photo already implies you have close friends so the group photo only detracts from an otherwise awesomely concise yet personable profile.

I actually don't mind the sun filtery blurry photo. You can still see OP is really handsome and they look really tall in it. It has a great vibe but a little mystery that would make me want to look at the other photos and read the profile. I appreciate the diversity of OP's photos. Not just in the activities but the styling such as the angles, attire, lighting, camera distance etc. I've honestly never seen a profile say so much in so little before. IMO, this would be pretty close to an ideal profile.

Sometimes I feel guilty that the cats are bonded to me more. When I can't sleep, I go to the spare bedroom and all the cats follow me and my partner is left all alone lol

I'm just amazed you broke-in so many pros. I did primarily hot with a towel on top for the longest time and my mat was pretty much unbroken underneath but I was too lazy to manually wear it down with salt.

To anyone who wants a manduka pro, try looking used so someone else did the work for you and broke it in. They're distinct and easy to identify at a glance and the pro is closed cell so it is very easy to clean off its past life. Plus for beginners, it will take awhile to build up muscle, correct form and hand/foot dexterity so a new manduka (aside from the grp) will be super slippery and difficult to use even after an initial salt scrub.

The find of my life was a manduka pro long for twenty bucks at a used sports store. It was rolled inside out and labeled "dragon mat" for an unknown reason and reeked of cigarette smoke. Took 3 deep cleanings, but that's waaay easier than the years it probably took to get to that softness and grippiness.

And that eternal search for a holy grail product

They look out for each other at home! My middle boy attacked me once and made me bleed because his brother was crying during his ear medication 🥲 They protect each other from the bully too and my oldest spent a real long time educating the bad boy on social skills (such as no punching others while they use the litter box or while they sleep). Unfortunately by the time he learned (ish), the healthy play dynamic was ruined. You can see him staring and swishing, then holding up his paw to strike in slo-mo like he's thinking about it, or can't restrain himself

Your kitties sound so precious! I just can't believe so many people hold stigma about cats. Cats have such diverse personalities and absolutely care about their house mates and humans. They're so social and smart! I'm convinced the people who think cats are assholes are just assholes themselves who don't respect animal autonomy (people who don't wanna build the relationship with the animals or respect their boundaries).

I'm pretty sure my oldest cat understands me better than my partner. Once my partner felt gaslit because he (the oldest) was refusing his meds and spitting them out. He then proceeded to eat the pills uncoated out of my palm lol. Like, nah, he just doesn't like your giant hands shoved down his throat 4x a day. My oldest cat also taught his brothers how to do nail trimming. I say, "it's nail time!" in a sing song voice, then they get in line (sometimes literally, sometimes gathered a foot away) for their turn.

NGL, I loved that stupid shit post of an edit of Justin, Elyse and Brighton.

What fabric was it? O: I'm pretty indecisive so I went with something plain. It's wild to me that a fabric selection can get that popular because I'd expect more to be made of neutral colors/the need to be anticipated

Not all the events are child friendly but the daytime ones are.

Relationships in the show are portrayed so well and it totally makes the characters more endearing to me.