advice for a dude in his late fifties picking up guitarQUESTION

Now that I have time I would like to become adequate at playing guitar.

What advice would you give to learn guitar efficiently and avoid dead ends and bad habits?

Online courses, books, YT channels. I'm not looking for shortcuts and am ready to put it in the time and work patiently.


the crossfiter/dog is given a treat, something delicious and rare, what would be a mouth-watering WOD for hard core ppl? I see a heavy day of bench press...

I'd argue that current US isolationism is a boon for Europe who needs to wean itself from outside protection, and sooner than later as the situation dictates

Might have to do with how the ruzzians have interfered in french-speaking Africa lately and whipped up anti-french sentiment there. This will not be forgotten..

If beach access is not forbidden thousands of space nuts would camp there at each launch, which would quickly become a shitshow, let alone a safety risk

They were the spark that started WW1 no less, so have a LOT of blood on their hands

You just need an electrical outlet, preferably 240V, to charge your car daily, the "charger" is just a mobile connector you keep in your trunk that costs $200 and is usually provided with the car anyway

Indeed it's not Rega, thanks for the correction. It's just that most Swiss tend to call any mountain rescue heli "Rega"


The Inov-8 F-Lite 260 V2 are my favorite crossfit shoes, they are flexible, light, flat, great runners and mostly you forget about them. Also they look great and I often use them as walking shoes.

thanks that's really detailed and helpful

Specifically what did you remove and add to your diet that made a difference?

your only goal in the beginning is to show up the next day

I tend to agree and that's why I'm hesitant, but my SO wants to go but then again she went 3 times this week. I'm not sure I see the value of that workout with regard to muscular maintenance which is my main objective as a middle-aged guy. On the other hand I like the community and it could be a fun moment.


Fair enough, I usually do 5 times a week and our box follows HQ programming. For instance today was 3RFT: 30 pushups, 20 kipping pullups, 10 deadlifts.


Thanks for the feedback guys, I feel I could try it. No injuries or pains so far, but I don't want to dig myself into a hole as I'm no spring chicken and started CrossFit only a handful of months ago. Tomorrow's Chad is in a partner format so maybe not as brutal as it could be. I'll sleep on it and play it by ear in the morning.

Your timeline is right but first Roadsters delivered in 2008 were pretty raw and the concept didn't really mature and stabilize until the 2010 revisions. Had Musk not taken over one could argue Roadster teething pains would have killed early Tesla.

Nope, the entire S and most of the Roadster were developed under Musk who arrived as employee #3 or 4 in 2008

maybe work exclusively on your mobility for a while by doing yoga, it's a great investment and can be pretty challenging if you select a dynamic style like vinyasa or ashtanga

as a guy who often comes in last in work-outs, I'm surprised by all the cheering I get like I'm about to win some kind of contest! I guess I'm glad to help by taking last place for myself to the relief of everyone else, lol

Guys, I really appreciate your input. I'll see how I fare in the next two months on a wider eating window and at least 2 meals with protein a day. Depending on results I'll adjust accordingly. Great community here!

These Masters look positively gorgeous, critics and sceptics are gonna eat a lot of crow