Shit would’ve been a pamphlet 😭😭

In my head the career districts probably have after school programs and the two that get chosen to volunteer are chosen from a mini hunger games held by the school where no blood is spilled, but they still fight with brutality. They are taught and brainwashed into thinking volunteering is an honor

No because I consider the books and the movies separate cannons

The USA is not one of the best nations in the world. Many people’s blood has been shed in the name of America. Growing up as an American I was also exposed to a lot of propaganda. That we were number 1, that we are the reason for world peace. It’s all a lie. I won’t get into everything because it’s a lot but I recommend a YouTuber named Second Thought. It’s hard to change your views, but keep an open mind 💜

Ministry of Propaganda

They view their children as extensions of themselves. Truly narcissistic behavior. Fascists gonna fash


Elizabeth Banks as Effie brought so much life to a character that arguably didn’t get a lot of development in the books. It says a lot that Suzanne Collins loved her performance so much in Catching Fire that she wanted EB for the next films- replacing Fluvia Cardew and the stylists. I think this is one of the only times a movie character is better than their book counterpart. I really enjoyed seeing her development from Capitol butterfly to helping in the rebellion. She’s not radical, but she has the potential. She’s an example of how empathy can be the most powerful tool in deprograming yourself from fascist propaganda. I think Suzanne feels that she should’ve expanded her character more after seeing how EB preformed her.

Honorable mentions: Viola Davis as Gaul and Josh Hutchinson as Peeta. Really enjoyed Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Jena Malone

Ministry of Propaganda

Can’t speak to this but liberals denouncing every criticism of Ukraine as “Russian propaganda” has driven me further and further left. Liberals don’t know what nuance is

Ministry of Propaganda

I used to really enjoy her videos and they were pivotal into me becoming more leftist. There’s no denying that she is incredibly smart, but she is not a socialist, she is a liberal- she has shown that time and time again. I think she’s a good example for what happens when you idolize an online creator to an almost god like status

Yep! As an indigenous person his inner monologue about her reminds me of how colonizers fetishized indigenous women


Lmao what love? He saw her as an animal to be tamed. It reminds me of Esmeralda and Frollo.

I been saying Hunger Games is deeper than the first glance. Suzanne’s politics may not be clear (I’m sure this is deliberate), but there are so many references to real history in her books that it’s impossible for me to analyze them any other way

It’s definitely deliberate, Panem represents the fascist nation that the USA can become if we’re not careful. IMO Panem is what the United States does to other countries, but turned onto us. The US has destabilized countless nations across the world, enslaved Africans in the most brutal way, brought war and starvation to many, and launched a brutal genocide of the indigenous people, arguably the most successful genocide of all time. A genocide that even inspired Hitler. Much like in the Hunger Games universe, the date of July 4th isn’t a happy one, but a very sad and brutal reminder to many of those at home and around the world.

Ministry of Propaganda

Rest in piss asshole, didn’t care about nobody but himself

Yep 😭😭 all I could see was Tyrion when I watched the movie

Ooh can u elaborate? Effie is one of my fave characters and I wanna know why she fits this category

Dr. Gaul, it’s her (fucking stupid) philosophy of humans being naturally evil that influences a young Snow into embracing who he is.

I actually think that it wouldn’t be Capitol vs District anymore- as there were rebel sympathizers in the Capitol. I believe it would be turned into another district. The defectors would be executed and those who remained fiercely loyal to the regime would be put into positions of power much like feudal lords, instead of the President governing all, these new feudal lords would rule over the districts with an iron fist, but the President would always stay on top. A new Capitol would be established for only the most loyal and wealthy. While the President would still be called “President” it would turn into an absolute monarchy. The games would now include adults and the elderly, not just children. Nobody is spared. Fascism relies on conflict to keep itself afloat. The propaganda machine would go into overdrive as well, and any media remotely close to being revolutionary would be destroyed. It would be an austere, grey place.

The character assassination of Varys still makes me so upset to this very day 😭😭


In true fascist fashion I think they would only have 2 channels, one is the Games/News channel and the other is a propaganda channel only playing things produced by the regime, whether it be fictional or their version of non-fictional events. This channel would also feature songs that praise Snow and the regime. I also think the propaganda channel would feature snippets for young girls and boys. For girls it might feature an escort telling them how to do their makeup/hair, because nothing is more important than looking beautiful. For the boys it would be a man telling them how to keep their bodies physically fit and active, how to be a true manly man.


They both fucking suck lmao, but I would say Coin presents herself as holier than thou, Snow never pretends that he’s a good person- he justifies his actions, but imo he never thinks he’s good

Plutarch is like Varys from GOT- “I serve the realm” type shit

It’s simple “us” and “them” division. Othering the districts as inhuman, but also the districts seeing the Capitols as inhuman, when u divide people they can never come together. It’s number 1 in the fascist playbook

Ministry of Propaganda

Evil autism, askmiddleeast, hunger games (don’t make fun of me 💀), shitliberals say, and this one