If you're in palms near downtown it's pretty walkable. You have to cross Venice but other than it's decent to walk on either side.

I lived there before COVID, but it was reasonably affordable compared to most other west side neighborhoods. Maybe the secret is out.

If anything seems kind of the opposite of woke.

Netflix is a western company, has a mostly western audience and thought westernizing the cast would be the safest bet to create a hit for their audience

It's more whitewashing then diversifying

Anything specific that made 2 better? I didn't like the first, to the point that I don't plan to play the second unless there are significant differences

Nothing idiosyncratic about it. Why do we say "Mexico City" when it's called Ciudad de Mexico? That's a better comparison than the William example.

I mean if you compare actual suburbs to city limits (including urban neighborhoods), the city will always win.

If you compare city neighborhoods to downtown/cbd, the city neighborhoods will almost always win, at least in the US.

Good way to tell which commenters are AI

Ironically, I think wfh made alot of these problems worse, since it pushed a lot of people further out of city centers.

You only go in half the time? Why not double your commute distance? But then you're also driving further for groceries, restaurants, etc. And now people cluster their commutes on certain days, so those days are worse than ever. And then you have people who got a remote job, bought a house deep in the exurbs, and then for whatever reason have to start commuting again.

Of course these are mostly problems because we didn't fully commit to wfh. But there are downsides to that as well.

The problem for me is the 1B pool is so weak. I keep picking up possible replacements on the wire and they quickly regress and start getting less playing time

To be fair, articles like these are so full of pop ups and spaced out with ads (at least on my phone without Adblock), hard to blame people for skipping. I bailed and figured I can get the gist from comments

One thing I hate is that the listening exercises have two speeds: super fast robot voice that almost slurs words together. And turtle mode which says one word per second. Neither is helpful for learning how to listen.

When I started comprehensible input after doing years of duo, I had to start at square one (although the vocab and grammar probably helped me progress more quickly)

No clue how this stuff works, but I imagine ads are bought in bulk to some extent, is it possible they have a contract to show X ads over Y years? Bought before the controversy was public.

I like Yakuza (playing LaD right now) but how are those games not bloated? Like a dragon has roughly similar length to AC Odyssey. Yes there are some funny side stories but there are lots of fetch quests, minigames, and repetitive fights. I guess it's a small dense map, maybe that's what you mean.

Traditional, borderline outdated name but with a weird short form e.g. Philomena but goes by Lomie

I think in an ideal world you would be training the AI on your tedious/rote tasks, freeing yourself up for more creative and thoughtful tasks.

(Not an accountant ) I kind of imagine accountants have gone through this transition already. I imagine a ton of their time used to be devoted to manual paperwork. A 1970s accountant probably spent 90%+ of their time doing things that software does automatically. Now they are most likely spending their time on more strategic work.

That said, in reality, doing this kind of transition quickly, on every industry at once could be painful.

Yea to me the is roughly where it turns around, and stays good throughout, although you'll read many different opinions

The first half of book two is brutal, it does get better from that point so if you're already halfway I would give it a bit more time.

Actually it's the Russian term for poached egg, according to Google translate

In the movie Inside Out there's a scene where they make fun of SF broccoli pizza. But the place they're making fun of (Arizmendi) is fucking awesome for both pizza and as a bakery in general. Idk if I can compare SF vs. NYC bakeries overall, but I don't think any neighborhood has better bakeries than where I lived in the mission

I haven't had this but I have had very heavy croissants (eg chocolate almond croissant at Arsicault in SF), and they were great. You get the flaky laminated texture but also the doughy rich sweet part. Nothing light about it, it's not meant to be.

Anyways I imagine a well made cookie croissant could have that same appeal. I know it's a gimmick, but as someone who likes very rich desserts, Im interested to try it and it has a different appeal from both a cookie and a croissant

Edit: I will add, this picture looks like shit. The ones I've seen online like the original in Paris look way better

I think it legitimately could help with the initial match phase by increasing compatibility of "conversation style".

I haven't been on an app in 5+ years, but I remember so often you open with some kind of joke and get no response, or a very curt response and the convo just dies. And then every once in a while you get someone who's humor clicks, they play along, give good responses that keeps things flowing. With enough data I think these LLMs could be decent at predicting when theres potential for the latter.

The backlash all came when the plot leaked, people read a summary of the plot and decided it was bad. Avoiding the leaks and experiencing the game as intended, I thought the story was great.

Kind of makes sense to me. Pitchers have all the analytics and stuff in game 1. They probably aren't making any major adjustments in game 2. Hitters on the other hand are getting a feel for timing/cadence that should carry over (and of course you have cases of pitch tipping). That would also imply hitters get better later in the game.

I think I associate with LA because of the more dramatic mountains and the scale of the city. I also think of the bay as wetter/greener. But from the stats I agree, San Jose is closer climate-wise.

Also not in Europe, but I feel like LA is the obvious comparison. Mild and dry climate, Santiago is a little colder and higher altitude