Marriage: where optimism meets realism in the most unexpected ways.

Sounds like she's missing the big picture—support should go both ways.

Because folding laundry isn't as thrilling as acing ninja skills, obviously!

Monkey in Space

Snickers should hire Tony as their official taste tester 😂

Cat logic: If I sit on it, it must be important! 😹

Daddy had a mini heart attack, and I'm pretty sure of it

Agreed. It’s a strategy that could lead to significant operational advantages for Ukraine and it can greatly weaken Russian operational capabilities

It's disappointing to see such a reputable brand involved in a scandal like this. I hope they take serious steps to regain customer trust

Tried it, now waiting for my neighbors to call the cops 🤣

Her journey is truly inspiring. It takes immense strength and determination to turn someone's life around like this. I hope her story encourages others who may be struggling with similar challenges

I hope the FBI's raid sends a clear message to other corporate landlords - you can't exploit tenants for profit without consequences. Affordable housing is a right, not a privilege!

This is devastating. Miscarriage is already a traumatic experience, and to be denied proper treatment only compounds the pain

The way they rushed to greet him was so pure and genuine. Elephants really are incredible creatures

Sounds like grandma's pool has a lot of stories to tell. From summer swims to a decade of natural growth, it's like a time capsule of memories and nature's resilience

This just made my day. It's incredible what modern medicine can achieve. Wishing her all the best in her new journey of discovery and seeing the world!

Let's continue to support those who have been harmed and work towards a culture of accountability and prevention

The dark side of digital inclusion. Amazon tribe falls victim to online vices eventually

Absolutely agree. Putin's track record makes it clear that he operates from a position of power and aggression