Ooof, the "I actually want to sleep tonight" really sealed it.

Honestly it's good advice for any social situation, someone you are into or not. If you want to get to know someone better, if they suggest something then don't just say no like the guy in the video. At the least suggest something else.

I'm curious how it went down because that matters. Did he just straight up say "No, I don't like tea"? Cause he had the opportunity to let her know he doesn't like tea but still wanted to continue hanging out.

if he just said no to tea, without trying to continue hanging out anyways, then he just turned himself down.

OPs video made me think of age of empires and it has both. I think it even has arrow key movement.

Dangerous is a scale for sure, like we can talk hospitalisations but can also consider that 1 in 6 americans get sick in a year from food.

I bring that up only because it can take a lot before someone is hospitalized. I have ulcerative colitis, which for many can be because of food, and even then you don't get hospitalized unless things are extremely bad.

Ultimately it's still not a good thing to get sick from food when the solutions are quite simple. Especially in the case of this post the solution is to thaw in the fridge.

Lightsaber whip seems wild, even more so than any of the others listed.

It can be left out but it can also go rancid and it's noticeable.

This is the reason why you thaw in a fridge

This is what I don't get about everyone arguing for thawing at room temperature. Thawing in the fridge is such a simple solution and removes the risk of room temperature issues. Considering how simple it is and how much risk it removes, why wouldn't people just thaw in the fridge?

What if... it's the opposite and other people aren't handling food safety well enough? I mean plenty of people deal with stomach issues that can be food related.

Most shit dies just above warm blood temp. Hence fevers. Hence 80' C for cooked chicken.

I'm a little confused by this. Are you comparing fevers to 80C? Cause 41C is where fevers become deadly, only a bit above half the cooking temp for chicken.

Okay but what about the people that drive their car and have a fatal accident? I drive my car all the time and nothing has ever happened.

Yes severity of the danger matters but just because there are people who are fine after doing something risky does not mean it's not risky. Plus there are extremely simple alternatives like leaving it in the fridge to thaw overnight.

And salmonella reproduces rapidly at room temperature, after 4 hours it starts to become unsafe to eat as you can no longer make it safe by heating it.

What they said about chicken isn't just a restaurant standard, it's just information about salmonella reproduction.

Well of course, the people who do it and die wouldn't be able to still do it to this day.

But the chicken can kill you, would your wife? Actually she might be trying to with the chicken.

Yea based on someone elses post, it's not his room but the picture that was posted is just a picture of the set too.

Individually wrapped and labeled in wild. I can't imagine how long it took them to do that and how it's worth it as a seller.

It's because this problem, of streaming on a seperate channel, is just a the effect of other issues. It's not the problem itself. You said the problem doesn't hurt anyone and I'm suggesting the actual problem that causes him to feel this way bleeds into other things, like the opinions he shares.

Surface issues, that others can see, are rarely the actual problem.

Plenty of people do tons of things that are bad for their mental health, If they didn't then there wouldn't be mental health problems. Change is hard. For all we and he knows he might be happier not streaming, cleaning things up, etc, but he'd have to face a lot of things. That would be hard to do for anyone.

I don't understand how is that anyone else's problem. It hurts no one.

When someone with issues, beyond just what channel he streams on, is as big as asmon and shares his opinions like they are fact then it definitely has an effect. It could be debated whether it is negative or positive but not all of his opinions are all that good.

This goes for plenty of other streamers too.

Yea, why take a trash collection job if you could take a comfortable receptionist job that gives you the exact same quality of life money wise.

Is he actually that highly rated as an actor? I thought people just like him for who he was and not because he acted well.

3090 FE, 5900x, 64GB

If price doesn't matter it'd be better to build a NAS.