Looks so much like my buddy, Steve.


Thank you for giving him a great life.

Make sure to use a stool if you’re kneeling a lot. Or need pads or rolled up towel/yoga mat.

Your dog definitely has an ornery look in that picture. I’m not surprised that he’s a furry paper shredder.

Gotta love that external accountability to get us motivated!

Thank you for being a kind person and opening up your home to someone in need.

I love this! It’s amazing how little changes can much such a big difference, and I’m sure the kitties will love it 🐱

Hugs for graduate school 🥰

I can understand how it feels to be split in so many directions, how mentally exhausting it can be. I had to finish to be able to get the career I wanted, so it was worth it for me.

Sometimes just getting out of bed was a victory.

Whenever you doubt yourself, remember we’re here to support you. You can do it!

I’m the same way. I usually have a hard time cleaning, except when I have help.

If I’m at someone else’s place, like after a holiday dinner, I have no issues helping to clean.

“Let those items get to fulfill their purpose.”

Thank you for this. It really spoke to me.

There’s no shame in retaking organic. It was my weakest area in undergrad and I’ve ended up teaching it a few times. It’s definitely better the second time around!

When my doctors would ask me what I taught, and I said organic, most cringed. My neurologist said if all doctors had to have A’s in organic, we’d have even fewer doctors 😂

I am going great! Thank you 💕.

Edit: punctuation and grammar

You’d get my props alone for taking summer organic, much more so with biochem on top! That’s a science student for you. 🤗

Having to deal with life on top of that must have been so stressful. It goes to show that school is a lot but it’s usually life that kicks your tail.

I’m so glad that you survived and found unexpected support. I hope you’re living your best life,

I had The Rook on my shelf for years. So, by the time I finished it, I didn’t have to wait because Stiletto was already out 😂

The books are definitely a time investment but worth it.

You’re welcome 😉 I had read years ago that there was to be a sequel called “Take Flight” but never heard more about it.

Let me know how you like #3. My TBR pile is huge, so who knows when I’ll get to it.

Have you watched the tv series? I don’t get it where I am.

Blitz, the third book, was released recently. I look forward to reading it.

Jimmy John’s gave me a Turkey Tom sandwich without turkey.

He’s one of my favorites, too! I used to see him at comic book conventions. He’s actually local, or was last time I saw him.