Update: I was too excited about the progress I made last night. I couldn’t sleep, so I made some more. I’m taking today, and may work from home a half day at my actual paying gig, but I’m chilling for the most part.

I revised my list and converted it to “if someone walked into my house, I would be mortified by”— wrote those things down and started with what popped in my head first, because clearly that was the heaviest for me. I took three things off the list and feel so much better.

Original post

I am currently effectively working 3 full time jobs so to say my schedule is full is an understatement.

I moved into my home a year ago, and between serious illness, depression, school, and the like, I am still unpacking and settling in. In fact, I haven’t put my bed together yet.

I have a list of ten things I want to do over the next ten days so that when I come back from my Fourth of July weekend, my home is a bit more… homelike.

A lot of these are really simple and basically cleanup from depression and an overly busy schedule — things like “take the trash out,” and “do the laundry.”

Some are a bit bigger, like “sweep and mop”

Posting here for accountability purposes.