Wonder Woman was sick until Ares had a silly moustache and turned out to prove her conspiracy correct. It was a better movie when it was ambiguous and maybe humans were responsible for WWI

The scene in Hachi a dogs tale when there’s a time skip and it shows Hachi all old and covered in snow still waiting for his owner by the train. Its not close, this is it by a landslide

Fast…travel…? Like when you get a really fast horse with Military horseshoes? Is that some sort of reference that I’m too hardcore to understand?

Who said anything about flipping? He’s asking about local value. You’ve never bought a bottle because it’s a great deal? Truly a salty comment

We thought it would be bold and brash, but it turned out to be cold and cash

Everyone defending the episode comparing it to andor with the slow burn plot. Bruh the difference is Andor was well written and Mando had a scene end with two people jumping off a moving train and landing in a pile of feathers essentially. Also the least surprising plot twist in the history of the universe with clearly still evil empire lady being still evil. Writing was very reminiscent of Obiwan and Boba fett

I am not crazy! I know he swapped those crusade targets! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the Vatican to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That fourth crusade! Are you telling me that a man just happens to attack Constantinople like that? No! He orchestrated it! Doge Enrico of Venice! He was excommunicated by the pope! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own army! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the collection baskets! But not our Enrico! Couldn't be precious Doge! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a Crusader!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-

One time in high school a friend of mine left his laptop unattended and another friend dropped a script file like this in his startup that opened the cd drive every 10 minutes. Then we sort of forgot this happened and I went on vacation. This man was flabbergasted. He thought it was a hardware problem, I guess he didnt realize it was timed exactly 10 minutes. He actually contacted the manufacturer to buy a new disc drive. And then he casually mentioned his frustration and we remembered the prank from the week before. It was chaos.

Nhl 23 a week ago. Bought it to play the cross platform online, and regretted it instantly. Liked into refunding like on steam but id already installed so no dice

Gonna have to say Star Wars Fallen Order topped it for me. So satisfying. Also Kingdom Come Deliverance had a pretty sick system. Both of those are sword combat mechnics tho

The Skyrim crusader kings 3 mod dropped today I heard. Did’t realize they chose today for a reason, huh neat

I was the perfect age for these toys when I was little. I still have my green goblin from spiderman 1, missing his mask and a foot but hes still got a glider. I lost doc but I still have his rubber jacket. And I think I had about 3 spidermen and I broke them all because they were my favourite and I played with them the most. Spiderman 2 especially had a great grasp on what movements and joints made an action figure fun to play with. Same with Ironman a few years later, Ironman 1 from 2008 had some fantastic toys and I had alot of them. Ive got an iron man above my kitchen sink right now, since I was older I didnt break it as badly lol.

⬆️least infanticidey prequel memer

Legitimized bastard

William de Normandie wants to know your location

I am extremely jealous where did you get it signed? I made a post last week about a few young guns I had signed funny enough

Impossible, Will Smith smacked Chris Rock not that long ago and thats the only thing that mattered at that event so Im pretty certain of the timeframe

Who was the earliest documentable pharaoh?

Many Pharaohs are dated based on carbon dating, estimates, that sort of thing. But others can be more concretely dated, like their name appearing in another civilizations battle records for example. Who was the earliest Pharaoh that can be confirmed to rule a certain year based on indisputable evidence?


I JUST watches this episode 2 days ago.

Sick collection man. Ive got a few of the same cards id love to get graded. I was waiting until i could get them autographed first, but Ive got the Sittler, Gilmour and Clark done now so one of these days ill send them in to PSA

Legitimized bastard

1066 is the most europey europe with decent time to play. 867 is cool but the ai will never make clean borders and by 950 ireland owns hungary and lotharingia is in 45 little pieces across the map. The extremes are also way more chaotic in 867 i feel like byzantines and the caliphates either die completely or paint the map within 300 years. I just find that 1066 the realms are big enough that nobody can completely steamroll their tiny neighbours. The borders seem to stay a lot more stable, and also the kingdoms we know today are already in existence like the scandenavian kingdoms, England, Italy, etc

Legitimized bastard

Id love to join next session, what day/time do you play?