A friend I used to have. He was controlling, repulsive and at times abusive. I was actually more of a friend to him than he was to me

By 2080 the world will have long become a hellscape so I won’t have much of a say

Going to Rome

Went there in April and it was amazing

Nice wallpaper!

I am really sorry to hear that

Reagan gave it terminal illness over 40 years ago. It’s been dying a slow and painful death since then

FDR. Not only did he help us win a war, he turned us around economically after the Great Depression. He also gave America a new optimism

I’m really sorry to hear all that

A New Hope

The Empire Strikes Back is probably one of the best movies I’ve ever watched.

Baba O’Riley by The Who

It has a very epic and powerful sound to it

2020 is one of them

Because of the pandemic, I only had one friend I got to spend time with, and that friend was a controlling and abusive manchild

2014 is also there. I don’t know how to talk about it without having a mental breakdown

There was also this one thing that happened in 2011 (I was in 4th grade) that scarred me for life

I don’t know how to talk about that either

I went to Rome in April and it was such a magical experience

Right now, I’m working on projects that I’m months behind on