Triggers are just excuses.

The only requirement for an AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.

I’m here to carry the message, not the alcoholic.

Congrats 6 months is huge. One day at a time, we press on through thick and thin.

I prefer source, not just because I remember playing it upon its original release. It’s just good game still that valve regularly does maintenance on. It’s just fun not taking it seriously like I do in competitive cs2

I knew I was an alcoholic when I started scheduling my day around having the next drink. Alcohol was clearly running the show at that point.

Dude that cdj half off the counter is triggering me.

Yes please explain these “white people” tacos. Being white and living in a border town in Texas. I must know what category I’m being placed in.

I don’t have a stick bag I carry all my stuff in my cymbal bag. Vater 5a’s, electric tape, cymbal felts, tama cymbal toppers

Oh forgive me, your share was a bit confusing. Sorry your life seems to be in shambles. Hope things get better.

I know how you feel, I thought the world dealt me a shit hand too. I got sober and now I realize how lucky I really am. Go to a meeting. Get a sponser work the steps don’t drink between meetings. You’ll be fine

Rock bottom, waking up taking 4 shots of vodka to stop the shakes. Yellow eyes. Terrible life I was living.

I drank for 13 years. Blacking out damn near every night. Woke up one day with yellow eyes. I knew then and there this was serious. I haven’t had a drink since then. Almost 2 years. You have to make a choice in life. Get busy living or get busy dieing.

I still held down the fort at home and on the job and blackout drunk every night. Shit almost killed me. No one can tell you if you have a problem. Quit drinking for two weeks and see how you feel. Should be easy if you don’t have a problem.

I did, took around 4 days to stop. Should have went to the hospital in hindsight. I’m glad you sought medical attention that’s definitely the easy safe way to not die. I hope you stay sober. You only have to go through all of this once

I was just like you then I changed with the help of A.A. you don’t ever have to feel this way again friend. Get to a meeting and save yourself alcohol wants your life.

i5 13600kf | rtx 4070 super | 32gb ram

Old bro

I still get drinking dreams from time to time. Just my alcoholism checking in on me. Harmless but feels real.