There is going to be a "but" here, but please don't disregard everything I say before it....

I always go out of my way to let the workers know I appreciate them. Even if it's something I need to go to a customer relations booth to resolve an issue with my pass or something, I'm always overly nice. I hate when I see unduly entitled people harassing a worker who has no control over the situation the guest is mad about.


I'm not going to pretend that the quality of workers hasn't noticeably gone down over the past 5 years or so... I'll say since covid.

Whether if it's someone at a snack counter, a ride attendee, or guest relations, I've seen people that just don't care about their job and have a sour look on their face like they don't want to be there.

I am in no way saying everyone is like this... in fact, I usually have great experiences. But it's clear as day that there is a downward trend in quality of workers.

Trevi 5 has great food if you're looking to have a nice dinner.

I haven't been there during park season, so I'm not sure if it gets booked up. You may want to make a reservation

I don't like this sub, and I think the starship is genuinely inspiring engineering. But this was pretty funny.

The suv stayed in the oncoming lane without a turn signal to show their intention to take a spot... what are you on about?

It's almost like there's a way to *signal * your intention

"Until it was my very last home project to pursue"

... so never?

Okay. So are you saying that a sci fi show about walking corpses should not be based on some kind of logic?

How dare someone come to a reddit community about a fictional show to talk about it.

If you'll have the ability in the future to add surround/atmos channels in the future, go with your wired solution since you'll be able to upgrade.

But if the only feasible way to do surrounds is with sonos, do sonos. It's not a bad product and is a good solution in cases like this. People just have an overblown hatred that blinds them from seeing that sonos fits some use cases well.

I understand being mad if they cross the threshold.... but I can't imagine why you would care enough to post here about them touching the other side of the glass from you

Brother.... I can tell you've got serious brain damage just by reading this one comment. Are you sure it wasn't from this accident?

I didn't see anything about this. When did this happen?

That's crazy. I haven't watched roosterteeth stuff in over a decade, but he was my favorite. I looked into it, and most of what I see is the like of "he thinks different things than me."

The US without EV subsidies would be a definite boost for tesla. Not sure if any of the other manufacturers could really be profitable without them.

That's not to say they don't help tesla too. But at least tesla has the scale to perform if they weren't there.

The one plus open hinge blew samsung away with how flush their hinge looks and feels.

Samsung felt like a last gen product compares to one plus's first gen attempt...

Hopefully they don't embarrass themselves again.

Different how? Were you questioning if he was psycho?

If you just have a very basic home network setup, you're right.

But they offer a wide range of products in their ecosystem that all work together. Wifi, cameras, door access, voip, a/v, even an EV charger lol.

If you are setting up a semi-complex home network and/or plan to use 2 or more of the other areas they offer solutions for that I mentioned above, their pricing makes a lot of sense for a unified system.

Genuine question... if you're going to vote down the line against the board, why would you own stock in that company?

It doesn't tell you how to vote. And if you are a tesla shareholder, it seems to me that you'd probably like to tour the factory that you have part ownership of.... otherwise, why would you invest in it?