Where I’m from, they’ll usually try to move those mamas to another floor so they’re away from crying babies all together.

I would just try to trust them! They don’t want to do unnecessary procedures on you anymore than you want them. It’s perfectly okay to go to 40 weeks as well, barring any complications. But it’s also okay to be induced or schedule a CS with provider discussion at 39 weeks too.

I had a planned CS at 39 weeks for baby’s size. She was as big as they thought, so I don’t regret trusting my doctor’s advice. Shoulder dysotocia is terrifying to me. Being overweight isn’t reason enough in itself to be induced, but there are other factors that play into it. You can likely be induced at 39 weeks if your OB supports it with limited medical complications, if that’s what you want. Deliveries at 39 weeks have been proven to be safe.

I’m over here wondering how you only have 1-2 sodas a week. Diet Coke is my weakness. I’m trying to stay at 1 per day but I want it all day. 🫣

Not only being in a relationship with him, but he’s LIVED with her for years. At multiple of her recent residences. 🙄

I’m in the US and my OB recommended the first US at 8-10 weeks.

I had mine done at my first appt during my 7th week. They said it was safe. As long as the bleeding stops by tomorrow, I’m sure you’re okay. ❤️

To me, it was like a super sugary, flat soda. It wasn’t as awful as some people made it seem, but it wasn’t a treat either. 😂

I liked having one that moved/played music using a battery. I liked to lay my baby in the crib for downtime while I was pumping, to give her a break from my older child, etc. and it was helpful to entertain her. I don’t think you “need” one but they’re pretty affordable and I liked it. I personally wouldn’t get one that was just cute but not functional (ie didn’t move/play music) but that’s my opinion.

Around 16-17 weeks, I would say I could definitely identify movement at least once a day. In my first pregnancy though, I would say it was closer to 19-20 weeks.

ESPECIALLY for a girl who lives in leggings and spandex tops 😵‍💫

Agreed. I’ll never blame anyone else over her. She chose this life!

Can you really assume he’s with his dad that she pretends doesn’t exist? Even when Jake shows him at their house for an extended period of time, she still acts like he’s there just out of frame at times. Her whole life on instagram is one big lie so I don’t blame anyone for wondering where he is. 🤷🏻‍♀️

All I can see are her huge fake “not lip filler” lips 😳

I think it’s probably worth talking to your doctor as well, to see if there are any tests they might recommend due to your age. You might get pregnant right away, but it also might not happen that way, and you won’t know until you try. I personally like being armed with knowledge to be able to make the best decisions. ❤️

I love how every experience is so new for her. And she has to share with us just how the world works, bc clearly we are too uncultured to know 🙄

It’s confusing though because she said above she would do the testing if the third ultrasound didn’t help?

What does “they have extra blood from the NIPT” mean? They should have run the gender with the initial test, even if they didn’t tell you the results.

My first baby was also very modest at her ultrasounds 😂 luckily we had the NIPT so we knew the gender from that.

Tell us Katy how you don’t get those lips done. 🙄🙄

I think even just admitting to having a multiple year relationship/live in boyfriend, and not portraying herself as this single on the go mama, would count for something. Even if she didn’t say who he was or how they met .

Did she cut anything off? It looks exactly the same.