How do they only pay $166/mo on car insurance for two cars?

Haha, train to Brooklyn - why that’s right next door; train to Hoboken -isn’t that some place out west?


Is the word ‘mask’ defined in the bill? I wonder if items commonly called masks might legitimately be argued they are something else, such as a ‘filter’, ‘veil’, ‘covering’, and thereby render enforcement useless. Also want to know, will beach-goers wearing sunglasses be detained? Welders? What is makeup? It appears there may already be exceptions to the rule that can support a legal defense. What do people think is going to happen on Halloween?


So, what does this portal do that a person can’t already do with a phone?


The house sits on a private lake. The adjacent body of water visible in the first and final photos is either another neighborhood lake, -or the large cooling lake for the local nuclear power plant.


Hey, thanks for your reply. Your prior posts reveal you as a wealth of curiosity and knowledge, so I was hoping I could tease out your thoughts on this topic. As someone who has lived in Algeria and other parts of the mideast -but not the American Southwest- I'm fascinated by how some desolate areas manage to create economies of scale, while others fail. Las Vegas, Dubai, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, -and even Sedona, Arizona- all case studies in carving out places for modern life in otherwise desolate waste lands. It seems like it's not always about natural resources or inherent habitability, but some other means of generating an economy. Either way, I love Algeria and I have no doubt they will one day secure a larger presence on the world stage. And thanks for pointing me to! There is a lot there to take in, and it all looks interesting!

It's what's on the inside that counts. Big buildings: OK. Big buildings that look like soviet era institutions inside instead of homesteads: not OK.

Living alone at home is fine; living alone throughout life, that would be a challenge.


Said no one in Arizona. Why is Algeria different from Arizona?

The moment you realize life may be beautiful, but your life is not.


The ad is shocking because when we look at Apple through a semiotic lens, we see surface associations drawn from creative, creativity, creation, creator, et al. The Apple logo itself, with a bite taken out of it, presents an allusion to the apple which the biblical Eve bit, itself a provider of knowledge and so a precursor to creativity. -However, it appears that with this ad, this is the first time Apple has pronounced itself as a destroyer of not just an idea, but of tools. Even Apple's iconic 1984 commercial, which featured a javelin piercing a screen, was not objecting to the screen, but to a system. The iPad may be a reasonable facsimile for a keyboard, paint, or any other traditional artistic tool or endeavor, but however multifaceted, it is not a substitute for those things. Which is to say, although modern technological devices do indeed offer many creative applications, -and whether one considers the Crush ad delightful or dismal video-, the issue here is the messaging, and the messaging is absolutely wrong and off-brand for Apple.

I await the day when the US capital moves out of D.C. and future scholars refer to the very same nation with a new street address for the Capital as the Byzamerican Republic.

Albini produced more than 2,000 albums. His fame may not have been as expansive as Bowie’s, but he remains an icon for a generation whose music aesthetic he helped define, and which resonates throughout modern rock today.

There’s actually another subreddit that examines and evaluates the pros and cons of dynamic tension, and worth a read: Thoughts on Dynamic Tension? 

This is the kind of background that actually draws me to a film maker, or any artist for that matter; here’s wishing you create something that will draw the world to your small corner of the world.

Weehawken is a place, but Hoboken is a state of mind.


My parents actually let me order this. Was hoping, by age 9, to be the ‘hero of the beach’. I will not be taking questions on how it worked out for me.