Textbook form, nice marbling and toasty-ness! 10/10

I thought this was Mr. Bean at first

My eyes have been violated, and I need an adult.

Toxic Holocaust - Conjure and Command

Every song stands alone, but strung together? chefs kiss

Wow, what a horse! Thank you for sharing ❤️ He looks like the bestest boy

For me, fjords are instantly recognizable. There is absolutely no mistaking those cool manes!

It's so refreshing to see a healthy wild fox with a good coat. Good boy, Joel - keep them pests at bay!

Happy birthday lovely Spoomf!!! 🥳❤️

A true master of the loaf!

Aww he looks so happy and comfy 🥰

Beautifully balanced conformation, honestly. She is drop dead GORGEOUS too!

That expression makes me think of the Metal Gear Solid "❗️" alert

NTA !!! F%ck my blood is boiling at how cold and heartless your sperm donor is.

I'm so sorry you're going through this, OP. I wish I could give you a hug and some homemade food. Heck, I'd send you a care package too!

I feel like Ravioli fits him well!

That's wonderful!!! Congratulations on your new, cozy home!!!

Congratulations!!! I swear he's smiling along with you in that first picture.