You mean you're looking for a job?....right?

Get yourself a water bottle and a pill reminder timer app on your phone. Don't miss your dose and if possible keep an emergency dose in your wallet. And remember it's always darkest before some light comes from somewhere:)

Advice. Don't buy your textbook before classes start. Wait! Many times is can be found online free or the teacher will let you know if it's needed or others have the hook up. Don't waste the hundreds before you start classes. Get a planner and live by it. And Sleep more than you study and study more than you party


It may be area depending. But they are an amazing organization who do alot of help.


I mean I used it and got my dish the following day? I'm in Alaska. I don't know how it is doing other places but everyone I've suggested it to as of late has been able to be helped. I hope the same is for OP


Please look up They will deliver you a free homemade lasagna/dish. Just sign up and put in a request. Sorry I can't help but I wish you better times.

Oh yeah same time everyday. If I was off by an hour I could start to feel like shit. The shakes were the worst followed by throwing up and shivering in sweat till I fell asleep. Get a pill reminder app that saved me.

Moths. I'm afraid they will eat my clothing like that one scene from the Grinch. I know it's not true but I'm afraid of them.

I constantly had the runs. I couldn't hold my hand straight out and be still. I would start puking if I coughed too hard, my gag throw up reflex was so sensitive. I'm off it now but lithium helped me with getting out of the lowest of low. I wish you the best and be on top of taking your meds at the same time daily.

Have you taken a drafting class? I had this cool little plastic thing that had shapes and lines on it that I used for all my FBD's think elementary school plastic you have in a binder but with shapes of all sizes on it. That helped me.

Yes you can and you can put in your beam and boundary and it chugs out calcs on the inputted info. It saved my life for doing beam calculations. They have a student version and they are amazing at canceling when your class is done. I think it's like 20$ or so but it saved my grade so it was worth it. (Sorry I can't help because I'm bad at beams but I hope skyciv can help) best of luck

Look at SkyCiv student for help with beams.

You mean the convicted rapist, Steven van de Velde? Who was convicted of rape?

Same I'm a 5 foot 6 women. I have no business there! But I wish you the best I hope the Rollercoaster turns to a flat long road soon

Oh god this is good. You're not in engineering school for it and that's fine. Go where you wanna be and enjoy it. I'm sorry you got pushed into engineering school.

Dude I was manic during the invasion of Ukraine and yeah totally was up in arms to go to war. LET IT BE KNOW I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING USEFULL FOR WARTIME.

Yo I took 10years.. I had buddies graduate in 4 I had many do it in 6. Life happens and taking longer is not bad. It didn't hurt my chances of passing the FE or getting into Graduate school. Just enjoy your time and try your best. Don't compare others journeys to yours, it will only hinder you Mate. Best of luck!

You mean the convicted rapist, Steven van de Velde? Who was convicted of rape? Of a 12 year old that Steven Van De Velde??

Oh yeah he takes no shit from me and likewise it's the best of friendship.