Looking good bro, all the best, give it your all!

It's hard to close in on a sniper as fast as alex, you can always get clipped.

I want jiri to win, in my gut i think jiri will win, i want a trilogy. But iteration one of those fights, you hate for either man to lose.


Sorry mate I got confused in 2 tenths and 2 hundredths. My bad


Lando beat max by 0.2s just a correction.

Dc's van would be so fuckin fun and hilarious. Bisping's van will literally fight like dogs the whole way. Brocks van will have no space, peirera's van will be too silent and disciplined.

Walker literally just stands infront of you and lets you hit him w bombs as if he's a pacifist.

The bottom left is jist so annoying with his weird voice in the trip to australia ads.

Literally haven't, it's supposed to be tomorrow. Mettl says we will recieve the link on or before 9 pm today.

You fuckin imbecile wanna be mma fan. There are many 10-7 rounds, ilia had 10-7 round against emmet. Fuckin moron.

Dustin knew the leg was broken before the announcement. You can see him yelling it to his corner as he turns backs. Perfectly in sync with jon anik too lol

Same bro, I was pissed as well. Unfortunate, shouldn't have happened but sadly it did. Ngl idk watch the 4th happily.

I wanna say DDP but contender izzy is a scary fighter at MW.

Don't even try say yoel after that izzy fight.