This didn't start with the boomers, but it's ending with them

I meant this in the same way that Groucho Marx wouldn't join a club that would have him as a member

Nah. At 8 months pregnant, they're told not to cause any shocks to the body with things like changes in diet and exercise.

A doctor accepting new patients is a major red flag

Oh no, what did he do to poor Alvin and the other chipmunks?

"Hmm...what's another way to let people know I drive a Tesla?"

-- You, before posting

Be gone from the house for 14 hours for work. I love my dad and appreciate how hard he worked to provide for me, but I told myself I'd be around more for my kids. Especially after finding out that my dad essentially made himself a millionaire by working so much. I didn't need a millionaire.

Finally, my $10/day worth of jelly beans addiction won't cripple me financially anymore

No thanks. I skipped work today to bring my son to the Celtics championship parade. They give you vacation days are payment. Use them.

Based on the title, I thought it was going to be the father of her kid(s) sending flowers on Mother's Day, but it's just some childless ex? NTA in that situation.

However, it's clear it's not the flowers that are really bothering you and you've got some real resentment towards your wife and are TA for how you expressed it.

I can't believe your baby forgot to remind you to get walnuts

I don't think it matters what most people do. They should've talked about what it meant. She thought the marriage was over and he feels it's an affair. Neither person understood the other's point of view.

Unless, of course, he retroactively decided how he felt about the separation, which is entirely likely.