Not to mention it’s an article from 8 years ago and clearly it had no effect then either

This needs to be higher. News from TikTok and Instagram is not news. Subscribe to a newspaper and read.

Yea, the musics far worse than the album cover.

Thank you social media for uniting these wack jobs. Remember when the internet promised hope for the future?


Along these lines: toxic waste. Robocop, knightrider, ninja turtles, Batman, Roger rabbit, CHUD, and of course the toxic avenger just to name a few all have toxic waste as being a huge problem

It also begs question.. should the icons stay fixed and just rotate along with the phone, or should they reorganize to be in the same order as portrait mode? Either way I wish this was a real discussion we were having instead of hypothetical. Come on Apple.

Maybe buddy, mr Ernsts kid who I believe was there cuz his folks divorced and he was spending the summer with dad instead of at home in… New Jersey? Love for someone to refresh the fuzzy details

I think you just described Ted’s character arc

We said that in 2020 and 2016 and it’s gotten progressively worse. Maybe in addition to us voting, we need dems to TRY SOMETHING.

Good luck, cuz the Supreme Court isn’t sick of it. They’re just starting.

I’d love to stop blaming them but who should have attempted to stop any of what you’ve listed? The tooth fairy? If the cops don’t do anything about rampant crime, you don’t blame the criminals for doing it, you blame the cops for not stopping it.

Seriously. Stop saying it’s up to us to vote. We did. In 2020. Now do something, anything to stop this madness of sleepwalking into facism instead of telling us to vote again. We will, but come on. Voting only goes so far.. you guys need to act like democracy is on the line instead of just saying it for votes.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Not to mention.. we kinda did. We did what 4 years of women’s marches? Didn’t do shit.

That’s all the dems have ever done. From standing by while they stole obamas Supreme Court pick to propping up Hillary (I like her, but still can’t help but wonder where we’d be if it was trump vs sanders in 2016), to RBG and Feinstein overstaying their welcome, to doing nothing to pack the court or statehood for dc or Puerto Rico, to the proliferation of guns and mass shootings, to the fentanyl epidemic, to watching the fall of roe, now the fall of democracy.. newsom said after bidens terrible debate that it’s “unhelpful and unnecessary” to talk about a replacement. Well Gavin, the pots getting hotter here.. and it’s been getting close to boiling for about 4 decades now.. when exactly will it become necessary to do ANYTHING?

It’s good. I’d be voting for it even if my wallet wasn’t pinched from the past year

Because of the community. I vote yes keep politics as “politics” has shifted from discussion of policy and something you can opt out of, to something that’s now affecting every single one of us whether we want it to or not and it’s nice to know we have a like minded community here

Spent the afternoon yesterday at the beach with my wife and kids then on the pier playing carnival games and eating ice cream. Might as well try to not rip my hair out of my head in panic.. but I’m right there with you in that trapped feeling

Should have happened years ago. More boiled frogs here.

Democrats are cowards. That’s what’s stopping Biden. SO. MANY. Reddit comments of “oh well then dark Brandon should xyz.” Not a chance.

What exactly would this change? Everyone knows who exactly trump is and zero of his followers care.

Happy Fourth of July folks!! It’s the last one!