She’s also not training for like a 100 mile ultra or something longer. She has many many years of aerobic conditioning and it seems this much cross training will not only delay healing but potentially also start to create other issues mechanically. There is definitely more to the story here; following a ratio of hours cycling to hours running is probably what they’re doing but there is a tipping point where too much volume just keeps you tired and/or reinforces existing problems. Even this injury being a “fluke” break; I have no doubt about that but I also suspect she’s landed funny many times and never actually broken the bone. (And this was from doing tons of cross training during/after the hamstring injury)!

I just realized they actually still count convicted drug cheats’ results, in that Houlihan’s record is still considered the AR. I realize it’s because it was “before” the bust but for any convicted doper people question the integrity of any of their results as a professional. I really hope ESP breaks it soon.

Admittedly I often skip over episodes with athletes I haven’t already heard of and am SO glad I listened to this one. It helped me further understand why “battle/warrior” language doesn’t resonate with many people. It also reminded me that yes, there are people with stage four cancer who are working in society, raising their children, following passions, and even running marathons all the while knowing they have stage four cancer, not necessarily “looking” like they may be ill, and one would have no idea.

That’s what I meant; but I don’t have fancy ones just ones meant for hiking you put over shoes

These are elevations below the tram? I definitely would be stopping there. That’s a big dump!

Ahhh ok interesting - so I guess everyone hiking it the last month were ignoring that. If anything were to happen it would be really awful to waste rescue resources in a closed trail in particular.

The driving selfie video style reels are the new thing apparently. 100% someone is going to get into an accident or at minimum get a distracted driving ticket from doing these. It’s like people thought “why not extend the “get ready with me” or “do my makeup/hair when I talk” to “watch me drive as I talk”.

She doesn’t max out the caption length usually (it seems but could be wrong). If it was truly about telling her race play by play, she could link to a blog section on her website but of course that doesn’t help the algorithm. Why have one post linking to a blog when you can have a dozen?

I do wish she put in the photo something visible from the grid like “Boston Part 1”. I like to read them once there are several in a row but now with so many cross tagged posts it’s hard to know when they start unless you click in

His bike (typo edit to “vibe”) historically has been more public - the book, the documentary, etc. which makes me think it’s more than just having a bad race. I’m not his biggest fan but in his defence, he’s probably not posting or doing interviews for a reason and one cannot fault him for needing to take care of himself even if it means a departure from his normal way of being pretty open with media

I really like her - her whole vibe in interviews, how she presents herself, how she races. This sucks so much!! I feel awful for her and hope this changes nothing going into the next Olympic cycle in terms of sponsorship from On. They seem to back people for the long term.

Exactly:) as written above running even at a slow isn’t the right type of light exercise, hence why I copied the recommendations of the uphill walking protocol

Recent guidelines do show LIGHT exercise 48 hours post concussion does increase healing but the key is light - in both impact and HR. While David may assume running 6:50 pace or 9 min pace is light in that it’s aerobically easy for him, it’s not light in terms of impact.

See guidelines below (really surprised they don’t know this or maybe they do and are ignoring)

“The Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test is the most frequently used and studied post recovery exercise protocol. Participants start walking at 3.3 mph and increase the incline until symptoms start to increase, which is their exercise threshold. Patients then exercise five to six times a week at 80% of their maximum heart rate that initially increased those symptoms.

“Based on the historical background, the adage ‘the dosage makes the poison’ applies to exercise after concussion,” Lempke said.

“Too much, too soon” or “too little, too late” can both be detrimental.

She says she fully intends on the road marathon professionally and trail for fun/training. She said she’s ran trails for ages apparently? That said, with her specific history there’s been a lot of “I said this but was actually feeling that” and it makes one wonder if she’s as certain as she says. Time will tell - likely she has intentions to go to roads but maybe trail will evolve.

She’s not “taking up” ultras, she made that very clear. She was discussing how she didn’t even want the public to know as she knew it would be assumed she was pivoting! That said, she did say a 50k trail race is barely an “ultra” as it’s only a few miles further than a marathon which was kind of annoying to hear. In definition anything longer than a marathon is an ultra marathon, a 50k is a very common ultra distance, and it takes way longer on trail than road! I’m sure she was trying to be humble but it came across simultaneously naive and condescending.

I’ve never felt like I “enjoyed” listened to his podcast. Maybe the tone/voice but even in ones where the subject matter is pretty straightforward, it came across too “prescriptive”. It made me feel…cold? This guy may be smart but he’s not smarter than he is stupid (and a bunch of other things).

The idea of knowing someone well - some people share SO much on socials that it gives a sense of knowing someone you actually don’t know well. It also gives a sense that everyone else is more social than you as people who post a lot also tend to post anything they do with anyone/

Hey - I am so sorry and sad for you, and all the other women here, who have gone through miscarriage. I’ve had three albeit all between 6-8 weeks in. I was able to have one baby so far who is a literal angel (I am not religious but it’s as if he has four souls in one he has so much energy and love). I found/find (just had another one) it so hard to see pregnant women, or now for me, women with a toddler and who are pregnant. Of course not their fault but it feels like there are pregnant women EVERYWHERE.

There is a great podcast called beyond the bump and they have a series called behind the bump that goes into some pretty extreme stories about fertility etc. I did find one of their interviews with an obgyn reassuring in that even if you have multiple miscarriages in a row, the “vast majority” of women do go on to have a healthy baby.

Wishing you so much self compassion and simultaneous acceptance of grief and hope in the coming weeks and months.

100% this. I’ve never heard this term before - like all surgery other than super acute emergency surgeries are planned.