You draw one of these bad boys


And then add the arrows defined in the other steps along these lines

I have over a thousand hours in, what kinda cheap controller is this 😧

Ill explain; roundabout... But long

This is not how cows should be treated. This is industrialized, probably to maximize on profit and not spend time and money on an actual hoofsmith

The problem is microsoft, not mojang. And sometimes the community just makes good things. Like third party launchers, or mods, or whatever

Just use a third party launcher i play minecraft ofline or on my own server you cant exactly... Take that down

You are there to use them, why eat only carrots when you can choose to eat the other foods, why set up a golden carrot farm at day 5 if it bothers you that youre just gonna use that and nothing else. Why afk if it bothers you, why not make a farm you interact with that goes at a slower pace and is more immersive.

You can make farms for iron, for mud for wheat for redstone which you can then use to build new things

You can recreate other peoples builds, admire their work or play their minigames. You can play maps people have done for adventure mode or parkour or pvp

You are correct in saying in order to enjoy the minecraft experience all your enjoyment has to come from the creative process. Be that the technicality of redstone, the aesthethics of building or from the lore you create in your own worldbuilding project. Or enjoying the creativity others have put in

Minecraft is a canvas with paint while terraria is more goal oriented i suppose. I think its cool terraria and minecraft mention each other in the splashtext, they are both different good games

Its not defense or passive aggressive, its literally jus how i see it. To me its like saying "okay i painted a house but now what do i do with the painting"

Our mindsets are just completely different

Im giving you an opinion, how you take that is up to you. Minecraft doesnt need to appeal to every possible kind of player. Sometimes a game isnt what you like. And thats okay too, you can just go play something you do like.

Then nothing, then you have done the collecting, the crafting, the planning the building. Youve created a story for yourself. Youve build the farms you needed to do so. You set out and achieved challenges and goals. Youve created an aesthetic you had in your mind. Sandboxes can be fun for years if you make them fun.

Just go play terraria if it "dominates" minecraft to you

Thats the point exactly, youre again looking for a destination.

You can also just accept minecraft is not the game for you and move on instead of wanting them to change it. Plenty of players enjoy it as is theres no reason for mojang to cater to an audience that doesnt like their established gameplay anyway

Thats the lack of creativity and misconception that minecraft is a linear game in the first place. Its because people are looking for the destination. While minecraft is providing the journey instead

Perfect, its the whole reason why ive been playing it for 10+ years.

but people who just want to be guided towards anything and everything see it as a bad thing. Because they dont set goals for themselves, dont do their own world building or experiment.

Not every game has to be for everyone, minecraft is rooted in learning and sharing things with communities. The information is available for those who are willing to put time into it.


So.. ive seen these with drones too like, how do i do that with my own fpv drone because i have about 150 hour in simulators on the deck and now holding a normal radio controller feels wack

"a rich tapestry of neighborhoods" lol okay 😂