Im not asking about ships or where do you think book 6 will go or if Rhys/Nesta’s arguments should have been different aka the usual arguments that are rehashed.

But what are plot lines that you’ve just made up in your mind that isn’t based on anything SJM has written or said but you think would have added more depth to the story?

For me it’s:

-Azriel married an Illyrian woman after winning the Blood Rite because it was expected of him. Once Rhys became high lord, they quietly split and she now lives with Azriel’s mother. I think if this woman was terrified of Azriel even though he made sure to never hurt her, it would add more background to why he’s so brooding and why he hates Illyria. It’d also create some interesting drama when he does find his mate.

-Nesta married Tomas and had a child with him, but once turned she decided it’d be better for the child to live with Tomas’ mother (which everyone thought was a good idea). This would add significant background to why she’s got so much trauma and I like the idea of Cassian realizing he has a thing for a woman he can’t have for multiple reasons.