I think it’s pretty fucking spot on! The only thing I do actually notice that I find weird is the eyebrows are too long. I feel like they should look more like they are on the front of the face. This makes me feel like they are wrapped around the face.

Same though……I’ll literally nustle my face under his arm. I prefer him not to wear deodorant. 😅😅😅😂 But it’s gotta be a certain kind of BO. Not everyone’s is the same.

My man wears sauvage by Dior mostly and I would live in the bottle if I could.

But every smell is also different on different people.

I would highly suggest bringing a friend( preferably a girl,) or a sister or aunt or whoever to get their honest opinion on if it smells good on you or not.

I definitely don’t care what random people think….but if a friend (especially a good one) slights me I take that shit to the fucking grave,

I think you look stunning! Makes me think of Aurora from sleeping beauty!

Try weleda they have a nice deodorant line. The citrus one is good! It definitely keeps the stink at bay. It also made my armpits lighter funny enough. 😅

I literally thought this was a picture of Selena Gomez at first glance!

Dilute some green hair dye in a bunch of conditioner till it’s fairly pale and apply that. I did this totally not intending to and got silver platinum hair from it. The green will basically cancel out the pink.

Yeah we didn’t have anyone try and take it down. We had to take it down ourselves because of the amount of threats that were received. 😖😓

Yeahhh….it was pretty bad at my store….I live in Idaho….not SUPER surprised though….but a large group of my store is volunteering at a pride celebration in a different city a couple hours away.

Idk if it’ll help with the legs; but my feet were in soooo much pain at the end of my days from standing and bad circulation. I started going on my tiptoes like probably 200+ times through the whole day (from when I wake up till I go to bed) maybe more idk I don’t count.

Either way!….since I started doing that my feet don’t hurt at the end of the day anymore.

Also wear Hokas. They are a little pricey….but I bought my first pair like 7 years ago and haven’t bought any other brand of athletic shoes since. They even make a pair intended for work with non stop and extra padding. Those are the ones I use!

I didn’t even realize Cart Attendant was even a position. I am at a small format store though. Front end is in charge of that and they go out once or twice maybe 3x a shift.

Yeah I think it’s gotta be 8 or more…maybe 7…not completely sure; but it does depend on how long your shift is. Like it can be such a short shift that you only get a lunch I would think.

After reading so many comments I realize how much I love my target. We are a small format store and are understaffed here and there.

Even so they make sure no matter what everyone can take all of their breaks. I’ve even been told to take an extra one if I’m having a hard time for whatever reason or even if they hear I didn’t get all my breaks the day before.

All the TLs will come and cover any of the departments if needed and it genuinely feels like everyone above me does actually care about your wellbeing. Most of the TLs will even pull most of the night with us if needed. 😊

Honestly my boyfriend was a lot like this but k very firmly stood my ground on my beliefs and like a lot of metal health stuff is backed my research and scholarly people… I’ve just been very firm on “just because you think a thing is ok being a thing doesn’t mean it actually is ok being a thing.”

Some people just were given a very short stick as far as parental love is concerned….like mine used to call me all sorts of names….and his excuse was “ well my sister and I call each other names all the time and it’s all in ‘good’ fun.” And I would come back with “ just because you guys did that doesn’t make it ok.” Or “I don’t appreciate it when you use those words towards me, don’t call me that.” I would correct him and put my foot down every time. We used to squabble about it….but now honestly he’s come a long way….he really doesn’t ever call me out of my name except for sweeter pet names.

When we first got together an apology from this man even when asked for was unheard of…like pulling teeth, but I just kept at it with explaining like just because you weren’t given these things doesn’t mean you didn’t deserve them. Now I really don’t even have to ask or explain and he will apologize and talk about his own feeling with me.

He’s honestly so amazing….and I know I’m not his mother…and I know it’s not my job to teach him….but fuck did I love this man….and he was willing to grow with me….and that’s the biggest factor in the whole thing….his willingness to be a better person with me and beside me and work on each other together…the beginning may be hard….but if you love this man I would just stick with what you’re doing and just set very clear boundaries about these things…..if ultimately he is unwilling to come across and work on seeing your side of things at all I would leave.

You can’t just go the rest of your life having your feelings and issues shoved to the side. He should be supportive and happy you’re seeking some way to help yourself, even if it’s not something he believes in. ❤️

Getting ready to do most anything and the act of doing most things feels like a part time job….ironically doing my actual job feels even less so comparatively……

Fully learning about nutrition and how big of an impact it can make on a persons health instead of just throwing pills at people.