you’re also forgetting the bro Tommy Colins. Easily one of the funniest for his rageful reactions and of course, the famous camaro scene 😎😂

Treena always stuck with me because of how much she cared about Ricky. i know in a way it was like a replacement for his daughter Trinity for that season, but it still hit hard and i like their little friendship chemistry. wish we could’ve seen more of her in later seasons 🔥

the main thing is there is a huge leak saying season 4 will bring death stroke as a playable character. and season 5, the finale, would bring back the justice league to team up with the squad and take down brainiac. the original justice league we killed were just clones

true it’s longer and more storytelling, but they have a smaller budget when making the shows. that why all the lightsaber fights and stuff look even shittier than before. and damn near everything is cgi nowadays. they can’t even use real props and stunts

well they were originally planning a boba fett movie back in the day and it was going to be rated r. of course disney p*ssied out and made some crap show that was just mando 2.5 and turned boba fett into some kind of hero. but honestly a movie should still be possible

a lot of us would still prefer to see a live action maul and kenobi fight. i like the animated stuff, but they teased a live action maul show or movie for years and never followed through. and i grew up thinking darth maul was cool af and a live action version of him is way better. but use sam witwers voice like they did with the Solo movie ending. that would be dope. disney just lacks making anything good these days

honestly my only problem about ac shadows is the characters we play as. like wtf enough of the non historically accurate shit. i wanted to play as a badass japanese male assassin and they tried to mix everything up as best as possible. female japanese shinobi, black male samurai? what the hell is even that. ubisoft already screwed us by marketing odyssey and valhalla as playing as a male character and then they were like “nah actually the female is canon, and they’re gods” most dumbass shit i’ve seen in any game💀

bro i just got here im late to the party. i read the whole comment section. went from all the way back before you got married to your 1st anniversary. that’s wild congrats tho 🙌😂 also how tf did “rape training” become the term for that? lmaoo

and the more times you beat the game on new game plus the bigger your xp multiplier. mine on hard is currently x3.85 but with the new nightmare mode who knows lol

currently at 153 been leveling up really fast during the hypermode x2 xp alteration and doing the parkour challenge quests at night on hard difficulty. leveled up like 7 times in about 10-15 mins. other than that just doing main quests on hard difficulty

incorrect. i’ve seen on the battle pass that it says “97 days remaining” or something like that. either they straight lied to us and decided to make it a timed battle pass. or that’s just the countdown till the next season, but the battle pass won’t go away?? either way this game is getting worse and worse and just feels like a repetitive grind with no real reward. and the entire battle pass is just futuristic crap. and then the season came out and they just threw in some more repetitive missions and called it “episode 1: fear”. no way these r*tards spent 9 years making this “sequel” to batman…

i get what u mean. besides the cutscenes, i really hate that everything is neon and purple and pixely during missions like all the explosions. i get that it’s brainiacs alien tech. but everything looks so fake during gameplay. cutscenes are the only time it looks real

do they come with blueprints or is there a way to keep them somehow? i don’t wanna spend my points just to lose it

yeah but in WWII they actually had groups of soldiers from different countries all together if i remember correctly. i thought it was a cool way to show diversity among people while staying realistic. i still haven’t finished it tho so i can’t say much more lol. so far the dialogue and characters aren’t too memorable tho.

i’m having the same problem did u ever find a way to do it??

i’ll do u one better. i got the ultimate edition for $4 😂 insane

he doesn’t look any whiter than the people who shit on ac3 in the beginning

infinite warfare campaign is dope if ur looking for a good futuristic story. it’s kinda cool cuz u get to pick certain missions to play and some are space jet missions which let u hijack other jets n it was pretty badass. i can’t remember much besides having a cool robot homie aswell

old republic era is what i really want but at the same time knowing disney they could just completely butcher it and make it terrible