All Tesla entertainment features are only accessible when you’re parked or from the back seat of the car

Elden Ring was the first time in a long time I sunk 100+ hours into

One of the best images I’ve seen of the cigar galaxy

:lal-1: Lakers

Didn’t Kanye do the same thing to Taylor Swift back in the day

Anybody have the podcast clip / episode of the old guy Bill talked to in the Boston Commons who used to fuck

One of my favorite Bill stories is the time he was at a bar at the Boston Commons and some old guy pointed at a tree and said “see that tree, I used to fuck the shit out of this red head back in the day, every generation thinks they’re the first ones to fuck but they’re not” … and I was wondering if anybody had that clip, I think it’s from within the past year or 2 Thanks :)

Does Trash 2 still work on MacOS Sonoma?Question

I’m still on the previous version of Mac OS and hesitant to upgrade because I don’t want Trash 2 to stop working Anybody here able to use it on the latest OS?

Ah damn I actually had the opposite experience, I ran into him at a golf range and he was super nice hahaha

Just saw him too. Thought he was great, but I like Jon Lovitz

Looks really great! I love the Orion Nebula because you can actually see it with the naked eye through a scope. And as someone who mostly does solar recently I enjoy not having to leave the scope outside for 8 hours to get a shot!

Looks really great! I love the Orion Nebula because you can actually see it with the naked eye through a scope. And as someone who mostly does solar recently I enjoy not having to leave the scope outside for 8 hours to get a shot!

Dating someone doesn’t mean other attractive people disappear. As long as they dont interfere with a relationship you can acknowledge them. I don’t think you did anything wrong, your boyfriend seems a little self conscious, and I’ve been there before so I get it. But usually it’s better to just laugh it off or something then get defensive. Cause him getting upset isn’t going to make his girlfriend less attracted to fire fighters it’s just going to make her keep it a secret, and secrets usually aren’t great for relationships.

Abelton 12 is a great daw that I’ve had a lot of fun with. I don’t think you can go wrong, but there are other options too that wouldn’t hurt to explore. I’ve used Abelton Logic and FL. I think Logic is far superior when it comes to audio recording and editing (especially when it comes to stuff like editing drum takes, you can group your drum mic recordings, make edits to all of the drums all at once that won’t affect phase, quantize them together / comp them together etc.). I also think the warping sounds better. Abelton is superior in terms of being a sound design playground. Way easier to experiment and just make weird cool sounds (also automation is a million times better). Abelton Racks are an amazing feature I use all the time that I wish Logic had. Now adays I find myself going to Abelton when I do anything electronic and Logic when I do anything more in terms of classic rock. But I’ve seen great producers who use both and they make it both work. I don’t really think you can go wrong regardless.

FL I haven’t used in years, but I switched from FL to logic because there was barely any sort of audio quantization options in FL atleast back then.

Halo 3 Customs

Pretty quick I think. Literally everybody was playing Halo back then, and jumping through the rings to make the Halo theme isn’t remotely close to the craziest thing that’s been done in that game.

Funny enough I am just learning it was leaked. I always wondered how long it took to discover this.

Monkey in Space

What does this have to do with Joe Rogan

Those actually aren’t flares, they’re called solar prominences (unlike flares they don’t separate and shoot into space). The corona is getting filtered out by the telescope.

Signing a petition isn’t going to do shit If you cared that much stop buying games from certain publishers

Chappelle had a similar joke, where he also adds in “if you can kill the baby guys should be allowed to abandon it at least”

Isn’t this supposed to be a circle jerk why is everyone taking this seriously

During Totality did you take the filter off?