I have great people skills but I'm still not getting hired

That I do want to work, so badly, but why can't it be at something that I'm good at?

Yeah, I obviously don't agree with Rachel cheating with tom on her, but Rachel I don't think is this nasty, evil person that everyone has made her out to be. Ariana should've just said you know what, you did something awful to me and for that we can never be friends again and left it at that. Calling her subhuman and wishing her the worst that can ever happen to someone is just disgusting, I'm sorry. I would literally only speak to somebody like that if they literally tortured and killed my baby or something like that. She slept with tom sandoval, like isn't that punishment enough? 😂

Rover but mostly taking advantage of being the only daughter of a very kind and loving man 😭 I feel awful about it though, I need work!! Rover pays very little but it's better than nothing. I also wrote an article and got paid very little for that so go me 😂

SFU Survivor - CMNS '20

I don't know why people are downvoting you. I was in a similar situation and it has left me with lasting grief. I think a lot of kids who went straight to SFU out of high school and graduated in 4-5 years don't get it and think we're being dramatic, but I completely understand how you feel and four years post grad for me it STILL affects me. I don't say that to scare you but it's fucking HARD and it's so lonely because most people just don't have the same experience. I started at douglas in 2012 at 18 and finally graduated from SFU in 2020. I took a year off to travel between 2014 and 2015 too so I totally get it.

SFU Survivor - CMNS '20

I just wanna say you're not alone. SFU should not be barring people who want to go out and get work experience from being able to do so. I went to Douglas my first two years so SFU was a very rude awakening for me. My third and fourth year grades were atrocious and I couldn't get them up until it was time for me to graduate. I'm still so mad and sad that I wasn't able to do coop, it greatly impacted my self esteem so graduating during covid I became deeply depressed and didn't even apply to jobs for like three years because I felt so worthless. It was awful. I just turned 30 and I'm only just starting to come out of it now. SFU should really have more support and resources for people who struggle.

Oh for fucks sake. If I didn't have my Muslim friends when I was in Québec City for three months I would've died of boredom so shut the fuck up 🤣

SFU Survivor - CMNS '20

Hey, if you paid your own way through school you are absolutely not a degenerate. My parents paid for my schooling with more than what they had saved for me because I couldn't get my shit together in under eight years. I've also barely worked since graduating four years ago. I'm the one who feels like a fucking degenerate every day.

SFU Survivor - CMNS '20

I felt this way my last couple of years at school. Graduated in 2020, had a short term job at the end of the year then fell into a deep depression in 2021, tried to start over in a new city in 2022 but ended up breaking my ankle and becoming depressed/had other mental health problems again... Last year I worked a bit in another province but things didn't really take off for me and now I'm back home and still unemployed. It's been the absolute pits and I feel like SFU 100% failed me but I also feel like maybe I'm just a loser because my other friends I met at SFU were able to figure things out.

I don't know. I hope your journey isn't so Rocky and that you know you are capable and deserving of the life you want.

I did style a few months ago at a pub 😅

Or maybe she's just a white woman 🤣

Lol what? I've had probably 10 interviews in eight years and I've gotten jobs... But lately, it's been so much harder!!

I WISH that when I was in my 20s had realized how YOUNG I was!!! 24 is SO YOUNG but unfortunately I remember being 24 myself and thinking that I'd already "wasted" so much time. This mentality led me to wasting almost five more years trying to cling to what I thought being in your 20s was supposed to look like.

Just live your life, everything you go through in your 20s teaches you who you are and what will ultimately matter to you. This is a valuable time and it's not meant to be easy or straightforward. Don't EVER think that you've wasted any time or that it's too late to live a life you love!

I wish that we had had programs geared towards what we wanted to do with our lives- for me that would've been entrepreneurship, media, communications, anything in that realm. Instead, I made silly blogs, posted dumb, embarrassing things on them and then was told to shut up by all my peers basically and at age 30 I am now unemployed with all the same dreams but absolutely terrified to take any steps in any one direction for fear of massively fucking up again (at least it feels like I did).

Kids need to know that they can be whatever they want to be, they need to be shown and encouraged to pursue the things that interest them, not just told.

The original post was about people in op's life, not people on this subreddit. I relate to what they're saying as when you're depressed it's even harder to connect with people. I get where they're coming from. I don't genuinely think everyone who bores me is dumb, but I definitely have felt that way in the past so I get it. I think if that bothers you that's interesting for you personally.

I hate when people say this. This is not true at all. Neurodiverse people need a LOT of mental stimulation and this world doesn't cater to Neurodiverse people so they often don't know how to get that stimulation in healthy ways. I get very bored with surface-level conversation and I live in an area where people tend to keep to themselves and not like to engage so yes, I have been very bored at times. Boring people I would argue seldom are bored because they don't need much to keep them entertained 😅

I think op meant in general life, not on this subreddit? Like, I can relate lol. It's very hard to meet people you connect with and that's a valid feeling.

I actually don't agree with this. I mean, I don't mind hearing about people's interests, I like hearing about what people are into. I may not be into it myself... But I like learning what people are into. It's only awkward or uncomfortable if you can't pick up on social cues so you're droning on and on about something and the other person doesn't look interested.

I know this is an old post but I'm surprised at how much hate you're getting. Scheana was like 23 at the time she was dating eddie and I'm sorry but until the whole leann debacle I'd never fucking heard of him. She definitely believed that he was either divorced or in the process of getting a divorce. So rich of brandi to call her a whore, where is all the disdain for the husband who had an affair while she was pregnant?!

Anyone notice how she sang "I'll never walk Cornelia street again" instead of "I'd never walk Cornelia street again"? 😭

A calling, something you feel you have to do. Something you want to build your life around. Hobbies are things you do in your free time.

What sorts of roles would you consider to be super entry level? I have a degree in comms with little experience and I can't seem to catch a break