I’m glad they made Rage instead

Top left by a fucking landslide. That shit is spirit breaking

The buzzards in fury road, and octoboss’ gang attacking the convoy in Furiosa are a close tie for me

It could have been “American Bikeriders” how many movies have American as the first word in the title?

Can’t lie, old Jin with white hair would go fucking hard in the ghost outfit

2016 suit enjoyers >>>>

Current games, Helldivers 2 tbh. Past games, battlefield 3-4, MW2 and MW3 campaigns

Furiosa goes fucking hard.

Also Pissboy lmao

My guess is because it was heavily inspired by Mad Max, which is all about anger and losing your mind

I think he called him anus pus lol

Genbu’s Darkness Enjoyers >>>

Shit I need to play this game more I don’t have most of that 😭 I appreciate you tho! Will be saving this for later lol

Thank you for screenshotting it, because I feel like if I had to listen to her say these and explain why she likes them it would have been 10 times worse

Y’all need to go outside

I like this game as much as the next guy but god damn