“Everyone I know thinks I’m crazy. That’s ok God guides me…” 🤔

I suppose I could work in a shop of some kind. Maybe a haberdasher…

Yes but think how much younger you’d be now if you’d been exfoliating all that time!

u/Lupus_Pastor You should go back and read what OOP actually said. I didn't see anything about treating people poorly. Why would you assume this? What I see is that OOP went out on a limb to describe, to a bunch of strangers online, a mistake which led to a very traumatic experience; then some rando decided that OOP really really needs to apologize to everyone affected; and then some other people piled on.
Here's what I suspect is going on: it's no longer socially acceptable to stigmatize mental illness, and puritanical attitudes about psychedelic drug use aren't particularly kosher either. So people are jumping onto this "she should apologize" tack as a substitute.
It seems to me that whether she chooses to apologize to anyone for something that she may have said or done during this ordeal is a personal decision. None of us know all the relevant details, and to cast judgment for not "apologizing" is 100% out of line.
Or am I misunderstanding this sub? Is it "ask me anything", or "ask me anything and then shame and castigate me if you don't like my answer"?

A few years ago I flipped my mountain bike, fractured my pelvis and spent a few days in the hospital. I didn’t apologize. I now know that this makes me a total piece of shit. I would like to take this opportunity now to formally apologize to my family, the hospital staff, my health insurance company, and God for inconveniencing everyone due to my high risk behavior

Because you’re using your digits to enter the data…

Lol. They were probably fucking with you. Yooper humor…

I feel like this is an accurate representation of humanity, from the animal worlds’ perspective

Say a prayer for the kids? Certainly. But let’s not forget the six “leaders”. They too are victims. We must pray for them also.

I have a hard time respecting anyone who likes Chipotle

It doesn’t seem plausible to me that most social media companies are actively encouraging the rabbit-holing and radicalization of their users. It’s just that this is a side effect of algorithms designed to maximize engagement and advertising revenue, and they don’t give a fuck because the profits are so good. Which I think is just as bad, morally speaking, if not worse. Banning social media is out of the question for a lot of reasons, but I think what would be effective is to heavily regulate and restrict the ways in which companies can keep profiles on people and to push content to them based on those profiles.

I always found denial to be a good coping mechanism

I’m honestly surprised at the negative responses to this post. Something I’ve noticed at my organization is that a lot of people seem to mistake process for productivity. Way more time gets spent on agile ceremonies than is necessary. I think this is what OP is complaining about.

Could be tobacco. Nothing hits the spot like a nice cigarette when you’re high af

My first moonlander layout was almost completely single layer, with the exception of function keys on layer 2. This layout made heavy use of combos. After about 6 months I wanted to experiment with features like auto shift and home row mods, which led me down a rabbit hole of experimentation. I ended up with a two layer layout (plus a tertiary layer for rarely used system keys), with the primary layer being fully auto shift enabled, and layer two being mainly devoted to cursor navigation. When I look at layouts with many layers, I think they’re interesting but I don’t feel the need to take that approach myself. There’s definitely nothing wrong with keeping close to the default configuration. It’s all about whatever works for you.

“I don’t wanna sound like an asshole… …your very stupid…” 🤔

Coffee, espresso, tea… Gotta keep it natural. :-)

No offense intended, but unless OP has a time machine, I don’t see how this is relevant. Anyone with a pulse could get a programming job in the late 90’s. (You would have gotten hired even without the deceptive info on your resume.) The situation now feels more like 2003 than 1999. My company was hiring in the early 00’s and we wouldn’t look at any resume with < 3 years experience. No experience and no degree would be a complete show-stopper. Also, it seems that in recent years companies are much more likely to do a background check. Implying you have a degree when you don’t will close more doors than it will open.

It’s a fetishization of the functional programming style. It’s cargo cultism. As a fellow old guy, who used Java as his primary language from 1996 until two years ago, I sympathize. Personally I think that a true sign of experience and wisdom is to know full well how to use streams but to choose to use for loops anyway. When I see (or write) Java code like what you describe, I tend to think “why not just use clojure?” The functional style just doesn’t seem right in Java - like a poorly fitted suit.

Secure a new position, then give 2 weeks notice. Don’t stress about whether you’re too soon or too early. It’s not going to matter in the long run.