Producing them wouldn't be too hard, but distributing them could get tricky

I wish it was just tears, they took my first born and even proclaimed prima nocta on my wedding night.

I'm currently swimming 45 min every morning, then doing 40 min of lifting and 30 on the stair stepper in the afternoon, with stretching and calisthenics (emphasis on abs) in the evening. I can't find much info on doing keto while doing a lot of exercise (I'm 240 lbs, so it's a lot for me I should say) but burning out is a legit fear. For me, I phased things in and found that if you can make it 3 weeks, it becomes routine. I also weigh in every morning because I'm constantly going down, so it's a huge motivation.

Hike with a view

I've been looking and found plenty of hikes around A2 but I can't find info about which ones end with a nice view. I want all the exercise of going uphill and then the payoff of a scenic view, so I thought I'd try my luck on here. Any suggestions? I don't mind driving up to an hour or so.

I'm in A2, where on reddit? It's kind of a big place.

It's not like I have access to a caregiver and still choose to go to a dispo.

I couldn't agree more. The biggest issue was the taste, I had to eat a skittle after each dab or I'd wretch. I don't need perfection but holy moly, this stuff is putrid. Also, other dabs I've bought always burn away clean in my puffco but these leave some weird black material behind. And the high felt weird too but that's the least of my concerns.

It's the in-house concentrate, I'm not sure what happened. My best guess is they had a bad run and decided to sell it anyways, but who knows. The only way it's not a complete loss is if I learn from it and pass them on to someone who can appreciate them

Quality was good before. New strains brought huge drop in quality and I was too trusting.

I always think the same thing too.. I moved here about a year ago, thought that was normal but I'm probably way off.

GREAT question. I had bought from them a few times before. They got some new strains in and I assumed the quality would be near the same since it was from the same manufacturer. Learned my lesson, not much else I can do at this point

You speak my language. I enjoy terps but I'm more interested in something that just doesn't taste like shit at this point. I'll look for Dabhouse records, see if I can get my hands on any

They taste horrible and I don't like it, plus it's not like I can't go get more and let someone else enjoy this

Yeah I should be clear, I'm only throwing it away if no one wants it. I've made peace with never getting the money back, just want to find a good home for the little guys

I'm hoping this post helps me with that, not familiar with geo caching though

I've only done dabs or carts for about 7 years, I definitely like them, just not this brand.

Is that something you wanna do? I'm hoping this post helps me avoid actually throwing it away

I checked it out, looks pretty sweet. What would you say are the big advantages over a puffco?