Yes! Star Trek is widely perceived as more challenging to understand than Star Wars (something the fandom often embraces), and Prodigy throws all that out the window.

A couple of months ago I sprained my ankle. Three weeks later, I fell over again and broke it.

Anyway, now I have to spend 20 minutes a day doing proprioception exercises, while my doctor tells me that I can't possibly have ADHD because I have so many elaborate systems for getting things done...

I think the difference is that he could stop trying to sound like he did 25 years ago, and could focus on giving a great performance

I had just been a bad step-parent like my ex-stepdad had been to me.

I grew up with adults who never apologised when they were wrong, and I'm proud for OOP that she could admit this to her (step)son and do better.

I'm sure the first five years of their relationship will leave their mark on him, but I hope OOP continues to demonstrate learning and improving. Sometimes that's the most powerful lesson an adult can teach a child.

I was deeply unimpressed with Beltran's voice acting right up until episode 11 of season 2. (There is a reason I think it changes, but it's spoilery.)

I was never a big Beltran fan in the Voyager days (which was hard, because I was a Janeway/Chakotay shipper), but his work in the back half of Prodigy really impressed me.

I'm so sorry.

For what it's worth, you have done nothing wrong, and you are entitled to take whatever meaning from his work as you want.

And for all that he is THE AUTHOR and all of that, nothing is created in a vacuum. Good Omens was also the work of Terry Pratchett. Sandman was overseen by Karen Berger, not to mention all the artists. There are dozens of people involved in bringing even a solo novel to life. We simply live in a culture that credits one person for that.

It wouldn't be the first time a man has used a woman's friendship to shield himself.

I worked in bookstores in the mid-00s, and we were regularly warned that he would hit on booksellers and publicists while he was on tour. At the time I was just like, "Lol, men are trash, amiright ladies?" but looking back, some of those warnings should have raised red flags. ("Don't be alone with him," "his publisher doesn't like assigning female publicists because they always have complaints.")

And OOP was so reasonable with the whole "obviously he's gonna pay the dancers, this is their job" thing.

He's kind of a(n un)supporting player in this whole mess, but I'm reserving some side eye for the baby's dad, who is determined to be childfree but didn't get snippety snipped.

I agree about Voyager's ending, but also: the assimilation of Janeway, B'Elanna and Tuvok in "Unimatrix Zero". An incredibly traumatic event, and it's almost an afterthought.

(See also: the assimilation of Jack Crusher and literally every Starfleet officer under 25 in season 3 of Picard.)

I went on to read another article which suggests this guy moved on before The Morning Show premiered, but while it is absolutely an experience, under no circumstances would I call it any good.

I know it's extremely beside the point, but I'm not even a little shocked to learn that the guy behind The Morning Show is a lockdown skeptic.

I mean, she's been an asshole, but she's trying to improve. I feel like Reddit wants to judge everyone by their worst moment, as if that is typical of their ongoing behaviour.

It sounds cheap for an international flight to me ... but I'm Australian. And cannot afford any trips this year. Or next.

Also, who expects a five-year-old to be responsible with money????

When my then-boss found out I was an aspiring author, he decided I would be transcribing his novel. But it might be a bit more grown-up than my usual fare, what with how I just write silly kidlit and all.

I spent a few months dreading that I was going to be made to transcribe his smut in some sort of weird power play, before I realised that (a) I was within my rights to refuse; and (b) he was never going to actually do it, he just wanted to make me nervous, while also negging me about writing for middle graders. (Joke's on him, tweens are the meanest audiences.)

Anyway. I don't work for him anymore, and he still hasn't started that novel.

I adopted a cat with my roommates 16 years ago, and two of us are still sharing a house/the cat. But, for example, when Roommate 1 moved to Japan permanently and Roommate 2 moved to the UK temporarily, the cat was legally put in my name only, and we all know I'm his principal human/food provider/occasional lap/the one he hates least.

Yeah, any time I'm stuck at home for more than a couple of days, I start doing chores like they're my job. Unless I'm depressed, in which case my job is "sadness naps" and "maybe an afternoon shower".

Those spouses are way too busy having mutually satisfying sex with and otherwise enjoying the company of their partners to be on Reddit.

And then there's the rest of us.

I saw the post title and I was like, "Look, I will defend granny panties to my last breath," and then I scrolled down and saw ... whatever this is.

I take the train from Werribee, so I'm not one of the people in the queue, but then I have to sit in gridlock around the station because it's a bottleneck of narrow streets. And the buses are useless -- the two routes from my house to the station will come simultaneously, and then the next one won't come for up to 40 minutes. Wild.